By David Anderson You would think bananas are to primates what portraits are to politicians. Not any more.
To Ponder
Westside Story: Dorothy Wilhelm
Story by Joseph Boyle We constantly hear and see information in the news regarding the latest tricks played by local and national scofflaws. You do not need me to write about these evil doers since there are plenty of others who send their pens in that direction.
Westside Story – Coffee Artist
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle If you spend as much time at Starbucks as I do, you will begin to meet a lot of interesting and creative people. A few months back I walked up to the counter in the Towne Center Starbucks and noticed a brand new barista. Her name is Krista Schrader. […]
Letter: Computers Learn from Experience, People Not So Much
By David Anderson Wednesday is Waste Watch in Washington. The latest and greatest in technological advancement is a computer able to “perform a task without supervision” and to “learn from its own mistakes.”
Westside Story: Mining … Coming 2014
One of my loyal readers asked me to do some investigative reporting on the new sign located on Bridgeport Way W at 67th Av W in The City of University Place, which reads “Mining … Coming 2014”. I drove out and saw the sign. The sign did not make sense to me. I wondered if […]
Letter: What the Word of the Year Says About Us
By David Anderson A political website is soliciting nominations for someone – anyone – that took a courageous stand; or innovatively made a difference without raising taxes to do it; or demonstrated the audacity to buck the status quo.
Westside Story – 1 Photo is worth 10,000 Words
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle This is another fine example of 1 photograph being worth 10,000 words. As Clint Eastwood would say, “Go ahead, make my day” by sending in your own caption in the comments section below.
Westside Story – Kimberly’s Cafe Goes to Auction
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The two signs in my photo (below) are related in a sad way. The Ehli Auction A-Board sign reads “Auction Preview Today” with a giant black arrow pointing towards Kimberly’s Cafe Sign. I stopped by Kimberly’s Cafe, which is a part of Clover Park Shops located at 11126 Gravelly […]
Letter: It’s a Matter of ‘If’ and ‘Then’
By David Anderson What contributes most toward achievement in both school and life. “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.”