Have you noticed the acronym, WOT, is often attached to my articles in the public comment section? Several thoughtful and intelligent readers asked, “What is the true meaning of WOT?”
To Ponder
A Family’s Defining Moment
Sometimes a moment can go on for hours and on rare occurrences that’s not quite enough. My parents owned La Casa Motel (Spanish for home) in Ponders Corner. We lived there and we worked there. In a moment of teenage angst I once told my mother, “We don’t have a home. We have a motel.” […]
25th Anniversary of the Asarco Smokestack Demolition
“The ASARCO plant site had nearly 100 years of history, beginning as the Ryan Smelter, a lead-refining company built by investor Dennis Ryan in 1888. Two years later it became the Tacoma Smelting and Refining Company, under the ownership of William Rust (1850-1928) who began modernizing and expanding the facility. Rust sold the plant for […]
Letter: Follow this train of thought
Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson and the City Council want Amtrak high-speed trains permanently suspended from running through the heart of the city. To that end they have written a letter.
Foldscopes: Going Up The Country – Luang Prabang
This is the second article featuring Richard Dorsett’s trip to Asia to distribute Foldscopes, the fully functional microscope, which users construct by origami principles. The Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 funded the Foldscopes for adventurer and hiking and biking enthusiast Richard Dorsett: When your bus ride of barely two hundred miles will take more than […]
Letter: Failed rental Inspections – done in by the director
Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) rental inspection criteria are not good enough for the City of Lakewood.
Home from Home: Clamming
I have always been one for seafood. Even as a little child in Germany, I loved clams – though nobody else in my family did. But my parents were wonderful about letting me try everything (that is, as long as it was not decidedly dangerous). My first clams were marinated, overcooked, and came out of […]
Westside Story – Charlie Albright is Piano Hero
On November 17, 2017, The Suburban Times published an article written by Andrew Buelow, Executive Director of Symphony Tacoma, titled,Symphony Tacoma guest pianist cancels due to illness; Centralia native Charlie Albright steps in at the 11th hour.If you have time, check out Mr. Buelow’s article.
Fold and Unfold, Foldscopes Go to Laos
A heavy rain seemed to come down my first night in Vientiane. Sounded just like the needs-to-be-repaired dripping gutter outside my window in Tacoma. About midnight, big thunder hit. I was deep in dreamland. There are no windows in my hostel room, the sound of rainfall was created by the whirring fan, and the thunder […]