Hip, Hip, Hooray for Hemp! and other such hypocritical juvenile-isms – as the one headlined here and making headlines nationally what with Washington Gov. Inslee’s teevee pot pronouncement last week on the Bill Maher show – may soon high-light the high-way to lure passers-by to get their highs here instead of elsewhere.
To Ponder
Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game
The greatest blues song of all times starts out with the lament, “I hate to see, that evenin’ sun go down.” Some say that the W. C. Handy wail is a precursor to another night alone and homeless on the streets of St. Louis. If you’ve ever experienced a winter in a mid-western city with […]
Home from Home: May Day
Submitted by Susanne Bacon If on April 30 you find any of your German co-workers or friends a little restless, it might be because it’s that time of the year. In Germany, they are celebrating Walpurgisnacht (pronounce vul-‘poor-geese-nuht) and May Day big time … and here there is none of this. Unless you are living […]
Westside Story – You Are Invited To Dinner
You are invited to dinner. Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare (GLMH) is hosting their annual dinner and community fund raising program.
A Bay Window to the World on North Yakima
About fourteen Rotarians were gathered at Tacoma Little Theatre sharing our opinions of the high school seniors we had recently interviewed for scholarships. When we finished we all walked either to the Tacoma Landmark Convention Theater where our weekly Rotary meeting is held, or to our cars to drive the five blocks to our next […]
Westside Story – A Blurry Thought
I am so confused by the pin I found lying on the carpet at the Lakewood DMV.
Indochine for Thai
There are several Indochine restaurants in the Tacoma Pierce County area. Relations run deep . . . and the food is uniformly good. We frequently order take-out. We are lucky enough to live within half a mile of the Indochine on North Pearl, just outside of Ruston. – indochinepearl.com/ We chose Indochine for a good […]
Create a Scientist for Only $2.45!
Can you really make a scientist for $2.45, or less? – Yes, says Dennis Flannigan. So please join him for lunch, Tuesday, May 1, 2018, noon-1:30pm, at the Tacoma Szechuan Restaurant, 9601 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood. Your donation will send Dick Dorsett back to Southeast Asia and help him inspire more students. He leaves May […]
Sapporo Steakhouse Restaurant Review 2
I had dined at Sapporo Steadkhouse the day it opened a little over a month ago. A review on the opening day is a little unfair, but it gives you a good indication how things will work out later. The first time through there were a few minor problems, but the staff was friendly and […]