Submitted by David Anderson. “More than 90 percent of Americans agree that able-bodied adults who receive means-tested government benefits should be required to work or prepare for work in exchange for those benefits.” The other 10 percent live in California and Pierce County. Solomon – purported to be the wisest guy who ever lived, and […]
To Ponder
Manny's Place – Restaurant Review
Submitted by Don Doman. Manny’s Place moved into the old digs of G Donnalson’s in the Proctor District on North 26th. G Donnalson’s moved into the old digs of Pour at Four. Such is the restaurant shuffle. Pour at Four only offered appetizers with wine. Donnalson’s wanted to go upscale. I’ve never seen the kitchen, […]
Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead in Deadhorse, Alaska – Part II
Submitted by Joe Boyle. This action-packed serial story comes to you in four parts. Click on the following link to access previously published Part I if you missed it the first time. Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead In Deadhorse, Alaska – PART I The first chapter concluded with the following thoughts. 1. […]
Free Lunch and TACID Abilities
Submitted by Don Doman. Quite some time ago, I was invited to a luncheon by my buddy Chuck Hellar. Chuck was president of the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 at the time. The luncheon was to learn more about TACID (Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities). I was asked to join the board, but […]
Letter: A kinder, gentler sign code?
Submitted by David Anderson. Yes and no, maybe and maybe not, in other words some clarity would be helpful. Lakewood has published its amendments to the sign code and is offering an opportunity for feedback. Click to view version with edits noted or click to view proposed changes without track changes shown. A slight change […]
Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead in Deadhorse, Alaska – Part I
Submitted by Joe Boyle. The tale that follows may remind you of an episode from Rod Serling’s famous TV show, The Twilight Zone. While my entire story, except for one paragraph, is true, it took 3000 words to tell. A 13-minute read is too long for my busy readers. To respect my readers’ time, I […]
Letter: How's this for a motivational speech?
Submitted by David Anderson. I am awed by my brother. Yesterday, as we do once a year at a picnic table somewhere with a view of the water, we three siblings ate baloney sandwiches. And my brother once again chewed a face into a slice of baloney. Some years it’s the bad-for-you-but-cheap-white-bread that’s the victim. […]
Who Has True Grit?
Submitted by Don Doman. In the feature film, True Grit, Marshall Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne) warns “Lucky” Ned Peffer (Robert Duvall) and three companions of their arrest. Cogburn on horseback faces the four horseman across a clearing. Cogburn tells Peffer that he intends to kill him within seconds or see him hang. Peffer responds, “That’s […]
List the Basics for Making Any Sale
Submitted by Don Doman. There is a Ford Mustang for sale down the street. I’ve driven by it several times. It’s a 1966 . . . or may a 1967. Every once in a while I stop in the middle of the street next to the car and look at the sign. All it says […]