Our granddaughter is in kindergarten. Before she entered those hallowed halls of higher learning – though the color of the tiles has changed they’re still the same halls down which I walked, and it’s still the very same classroom where I sat over 60 years ago where she now sits – I jokingly reminded her […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – Pope Joseph
While it is not my intention to make anyone angry or hurt anyone’s feelings, especially my Catholic friends, I have something to say about Catholicism.
Letter: Our family-room
Today is no ordinary day. Tomorrow won’t be either. Nor the other night.
Home from Home: Windows
I love cleaning windows. At least I used to back in Germany. Over here – not so much. And that is because window cleaning in the US is so much less gratifying. Not because the windows get less dirty and you wouldn’t see the difference. The difference is in the windows themselves.
How Far is Out of the Way? What’s Doing the Right Thing?
Family ties run deep, even scattered away from home. My mom Mary was an identical twin. She and Virginia were born in Oklahoma, but grew up in Nevada, Missouri until they were married. Virginia and her husband moved to the Tacoma area right after World War II. My mom and Dad and I, moved out […]
Letter: ‘Dump God from politics’
“The prescription for bringing the GOP back from the dead around here is daunting: Dump Trump. And dump God from politics.” So opines Danny Westneat, November 9, 2018.
Westside Story – Coffee Cup Law
Every day I read about gun haters blaming guns for shootings in the streets, music venues, churches, and schools. Based on this narrow and defective thinking gun haters continually repeat the phrase, “There ought to be a law.” Most, if not all, suggested GUN CONTROL laws are designed to erode an American’s Second Amendment Rights […]
Selling a 29.8 Million Dollar House with Fiverr and Facebook
A four bedroom, 5,000 sq. ft., completely furnished beach front home on Maui for 29.8 million dollars. I have a Fiverr account and use it to explore unusual marketing ideas. Evidently, I need to widen my view. In case you don’t know what Fiverr is, it allows members to offer goods or services for only […]
Westside Story – Parking Enforcement Fights Scofflaw Parkers
DISCLOSURE: This article compares in readability to the New York Times. While this disclosure sounds lofty and a bit braggadocio, what it means is a 16-year-old 10th grader should be able to read the article. Please proceed accordingly.