When it’s cold outside, people living in tents need something to warm them up. When it’s hot outside, people living on the streets need to cool off. Living in your car or in a tent is not a first choice for most people, but having a choice is not always part of the deal for […]
To Ponder
Across the Fence: A Whale of a Time
Encountering wildlife is a given on a daily basis in Western Washington. And I’m not even thinking of birds or butterflies or fish. What is stunning to somebody who grew up in the suburbs of a city with a greater population than Seattle is to run into deer grazing in front yards. Or into seals […]
Kinky Boots – A Great Fit for Tacoma Musical Theatre
When the 2005 British comedy-drama film Kinky Boots came out Peg and I saw it at the Grand Cinema in downtown Tacoma. We both enjoyed the movie. When we joined BroadwayHD on cable, we watched and re-watched our favorite productions many times: She Loves Me and Kinky Boots. She Loves Me has been a musical for ages, but when Kinky Boots hit Broadway […]
Silent Sky, a Dream Come True, at Tacoma Little Theatre
Tacoma Little Theatre’s production of Silent Sky was postponed earlier in the season due to COVID disruptions of play schedules. Peg and I were disappointed. When the play was reinstated later in the season we were back on the happy track. After seeing the show, we are now on the thrilling track. The play is […]
Letter: CPSD Budget Process: Why doesn’t the public show up? Why should they?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Budget Timeliness and Timelines Have you seen the proposed CPSD budget briefing that will be presented during a public hearing, 7/11/22, at 5:00 PM? That’s because it hasn’t been released to the very public that is supposed to be commenting upon it during the budget public hearing! How many of the […]
Across the Fence: Summer – Finally!
Has it struck you, too, that finally days seem to be light longer? Though, in fact they are shorter! Because the dark gray of the past six months has finally started lifting and lets us enjoy a few sunbeams in the late afternoons. Which also means that it finally gets warmer. A little. Yes, summer […]
Student Growth Potential (SGP): Real Progress or Self Deception?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. During the CPSD Board workshop on 22 June 2022, Brian Gabele, Director Assessment and Program Evaluation, gave a presentation on Student Growth Potential (SGP) which is used by OSPI and CPSD to assess student improvement and thus school and district improvement relative to other peers in math and English Language Arts […]
Writing Reviews is Sweeter than Kosher Wine
Sometimes writing reviews brings responses you don’t expect from readers and sometimes they bring a treasured comment and more. Publishing articles and comments in The Suburban Times reaches out much further than one would expect. One article about circumcision created a hot argument between someone in Australia vs. someone on the U.S. east coast. An […]
Across the Fence: Fun on a Budget
Looking into our bank accounts and at the receipts for our expenses on bare necessities has stopped being agreeable a while ago. For some more than others. And as always, I won’t become political about it. Suffice it to say, that these days, I’m lugging home one bag of normal groceries at the same price […]