The University Place Parks and Recreation Department’s Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction is this Saturday, April 3. Serving begins at 8 a.m. in the Curtis High School cafeteria. People of all ages are welcome. The event is much more than a social gathering. Funds raised will ensure the continuous operation of the University Place Community […]
To Know
Steilacoom Chamber leaders feast on salmon; learn about economic recovery
Eighteen people from the local business community enjoyed a sumptuous salmon dinner at the Steilacoom Tribal Museum in conjunction with the Steilacoom Chamber of Commerce on March 24. Chamber President Cindy McKitrick conducted the business portion of the meeting and spoke about the advent of the new “Steilacoom Dollar” as a marketing tool to stimulate […]
Spring is here
It is still a tad bit too early to ‘stop and smell the roses’ but it is impossible to miss the signs of spring, which abound all around University Place including long stretches of daffodil patches along Cirque Drive. Not only is spring here, but Easter is just around the corner. Notably, just around the […]
Lakewood’s Bart Dalton recovering from e coli
Bart Dalton, Lakewood stockbroker and Clover Park Kiwanian, is in a Birmingham, England, hospital recovering from an e coli infection. He has been in the hospital for a few weeks and is expected to remain for another 2 or 3 weeks while he makes a slow recovery. He is reported to be feeling better and […]
Family Renewal Shelter to benefit from Rotary event March 20
When the auctioneer calls for participants at the Lakewood Rotary Club’s Sportsman’s Dinner & Auction March 20 to raise their paddle he will be asking for funding for an organization that works in the background to help primarily women and children get a new lease on life. Family Renewal Shelter will be the beneficiary of […]
First jail in Washington
Black Tie & Blue Jeans Ball raises $35,000
The 3rd annual Black Tie & Blue Jeans Ball raised about $35,000 to help pay for a permanent restroom to be installed next to the Playground @ Ft. Steilacoom Park, according to Charlie Maxwell, spokesman for Partners for Parks. Held at the Clover Park Technical College’s McGavick Center, more than 150 people representing just about […]
Steilacoom Dance heading back to Hawaii
For the 25th consecutive year, Mary Petersen and Steve Behr of the Steilacoom Dance Company, will be featured on their outreach presentations to the Hawaiian islands of Maui, Kauai and Oahu. Planned for mid-April, this year’s theme, Diversity of the Dance, includes tap dancing, flamenco, cha/cha, Sswing, Tango and even a beautiful Hawaiian dance number. […]
Bridgeport Place Launches Stay a Day Program
Bridgeport Place Retirement and Assisted Living announces the addition of senior adult day services in University Place. Services provided by the Stay a Day program are designed to give family caregivers the peace of mind that their loved one is in a safe environment with his or her needs being met while at the same time […]