Photos and Story by Joe Boyle Boy, oh boy, do I have some good news! In this shrinking economy with all the bad news and negative press, one of my favorite companies, Starbucks, has expanded their business by opening another convenient Lakewood area location.
To Know
Westside Story – Tears, Ten Years After!
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle This coming September 11, 2011 we will observe the 10th anniversary of the New York City Twin Tower tragedy. While the tragedy epicenter was in New York City, the terrorist shock waves reached out and found each and every one of us, no matter where we were on that […]
Letter: $4.7 Million to save 40 seconds
By David Anderson, Tillicum The Washington Military Department’s $4.7 M plan to move its main gate the distance of a couple football fields will mean vehicles traveling to and from Camp Murray will save 40 seconds in travel time over leaving the gate where it is. Click here to read more. And that’s a steal.
Letter: What matters to a community?
Rest assured, City Manager Andrew Neiditz writes in an attempt to calm the very ill at ease Tillicum public over yet a second attempt in as many years to relocate Camp Murray’s gate, and its resultant grievous impact, to the interior streets of the neighborhood. City staff (has) heard loud and clear the concerns of […]
Partner UP Caribbean-style at Bridgeport Place
Superb summer weather last Thursday set the stage for the City of University Place’s “Partner UP!” at Bridgeport Place bringing local business people and city officials together in a social setting for an opportunity to network, improve communication, and celebrate life in UP. University Place Mayor Debbie Klosowski was joined by other city officials and […]
Westside Story – Photos Cure Cancer
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Just last week I was ordering a “Joe’s Special” at my favorite Starbucks in the Lakewood Towne Center (6040 Main St SW), when I notice the Starbucks Community Art Wall. I walked over to get a closer look. Unbelievable! This digital photo display has got to be the best […]
Letter: They crushed a tomato plant
But ended up replacing it. And not only did volunteers of their own volition purchase and replant that portion of her garden that they inadvertently stepped on, they replaced her porch in the process. The project of rebuilding the dilapidated porches, decks, stairs, handrails and overhangs continues this week at the Tillicum Manor mobile home […]
Westside Story – Parallel Universe leads me to Tijuana-Taco
By Joe Boyle Back about 19 hundred and 43 Rocky Vanscyoc and I both came into this world. It was about as tough to be born during 1943, as it was to buy a 1943 automobile. Why? Because World War II was raging on. Most of the men with daddy potential were overseas fighting the […]
Westside Story – VOTE YES for Fire Levy
Story & Photos by Joseph Boyle EXEMPLARY SERVICE With over 20 years in law enforcement, I have seen first hand what our local fire department does for our community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their performance is always exceptional. Think about it. If you are suffering a serious health problem, are the […]