By David Anderson “The sluggard is deceived by the __________________ of his _____________________. So by inches and minutes his opportunities slip away.” (source unknown) That’s the key truth of my mentoring lesson plan today with my 5th grader.
To Know
Westside Story – Bonnie & Clyde Car
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle 82 years ago in 1930, Bonnie Parker, age 19 & Clyde Chestnut aka “Champion” Barrow, age 21, teamed up to become infamous lovers, bank robbers and killers during the four years that followed. They ended up robbing numerous banks and killed 13 victims, including several police officers. As the decades […]
Letter: America is not made of rip-stop nylon
By David Anderson, cheerleader, Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association I’ve a book in my library entitled “Our Sacred Honor” by William J. Bennett. As I opened it this Memorial Day morning there fell out a newspaper clipping – an article by George Will dated July 4, 2008 entitled “The birth of the nation was more than a one-day […]
Westside Story – Road Trip to Mary’s Burger Bistro
By Joe Boyle I moved to Pierce County in 1959. My photo depicts a small burger joint that has been in the same Tacoma location since the early 1950s, long before I got here. I have always wanted to try it out, but never have.
Westside Story – Lakewood Hardware, what’s happening?
By Joe Boyle My last story posted on May 17, 2012, included a reference to Lakewood Hardware & Paint, Inc. One of our good readers commented, and I quote, “Thank you, Joseph, for another not so subtle plug for another of your favorite businesses.” While I am not certain if the reader was voicing a […]
Letter: Thinking about the state’s economy while scrubbing floors
By David Anderson It’s a cinch by the inch but hard by the yard. Little-by-little gets it done. Down on hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen linoleum floor I was joined for a while during the hour-after-hour ordeal by my five-year-old grandson. I had to do it. The rental was to be moved into the next day. Jacob, on […]
Letter: Why Obama is Wrong
By David Anderson, Tillicum Comedian Groucho Marx quipped, “Those are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.” When President Obama became the first sitting president to endorse same-sex marriages with his announcement May 9, 2012, was his decision the result of having:
Westside Story – Erika Mueller – Steilacoom Success Story
Story by Joseph Boyle Everyday we hear and read stories about young people doing bad things. Don’t you just hunger for a story about a young person who does good things? I do. Well I have just such a story.
Letter: $55K for Lakewood Problem Gamblers
by David Anderson Lakewood is preparing to spend $55K to treat problem gamblers. There’s a problem with problem gamblers in Lakewood?