The three magical words were whispered through cracked lips from one man to another, the chains that bound them becoming as it were an electrical conduit conveying the message all along the line, the words of warmth betrayed however by their harsh surroundings.
To Know
Letter: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail
What’s the difference between New Year’s Resolutions and good intentions? Nothing. Resolutions usually are characterized by their difficulty, are thus easily broken, and therefore don’t last long. Resolutions, without resolve, are merely good intentions.
Letter: What are your Governing Values?
If I were on one end of an I-beam and you on the other, and I offered you $10 to cross it as long as you didn’t step off either side, could you do it?
Letter: The Brick Layer
What is the difference between a brick layer and a cathedral builder? Everything.
Letter: Sex Trafficking
“The issue of women being exploited, mistreated and devalued is a global concern,” and Chris Gilge of the Starfish Project will be one of our featured panelists at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting on January 3, 2013.
Nurse adds complex wound care certification
Jennifer Iyulores-Ing, R.N., W.C.C. takes great pride in the recent addition of those three certification letters to her name beyond her R.N. degree. W.C.C. indicates that she has taken advanced, specialized training in the care of complex wounds. In November, she received formal acknowledgement that she is officially a Wound Care Certified nurse. Nurses with […]
Veteran nurse joins U.P. Care Center
UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. — Michael Johnson, RN has been appointed to the position of Director of Nursing at University Place Care Center (UPCC). Mr. Johnson has nearly 15 years of experience serving as a Director of Nursing in skilled nursing and rehabilitation settings. He earned his Registered Nurse credentials in 1989.
Letter: Whole lotto-trouble
Why does The Patch promote the Lottery? Click on the “About Us” at The Patch and you’ll read this: “We want to be the most trusted . . . resource in your community . . . . We hope that our sites will strengthen communities and improve the lives of their residents.”
Letter: Gambling in Lakewood gets a bye?
Bowling pin refinishing fees and charges for Haunted Houses in Lakewood are slated to rise along with property taxes, gas utility taxes, and costs to use public parks per the Special Meeting of the City Council set for Monday, Nov.26, 7 P.M. at City Hall.