By David Anderson On its way to the morgue, Tillicum takes a detour with a flicker-of-life new lane for I-5. Vital signs: Backbone connectivity deterioration; critical lifeline threatened let alone curtailment of future growth and the latter only if delays in treatment are immediately addressed; congestion and clogging of arterials and choke points severe, experienced […]
To Know
Letter: Rail Rock ‘n Roll
By David Anderson It’s called “summer’s biggest moving party,” a chance for people to rock out before the train rolls on. Given the low view of high speed rail that unappreciative folks have taken toward the Point Defiance Rail Bypass that proposes to reroute passenger trains through Tillicum and other points of interest along I-5 […]
Betty Wellington celebrates 100th Birthday with Family & Friends
Betty Wellington worked for many years as a travel planner for AAA. She has just celebrated her 100th Birthday with a festive party in the Gallery/Library at Bridgeport Place Retirement and Assisted Living. Betty had lived in her own condo in Issaquah all by herself until just a couple of years ago when she decided to […]
Letter: A Transportation “Listening” Tour?
By David Anderson “State Senate leaders have announced the details of a ‘listening tour’ that will collect public input on transportation needs,” Jordan Schrader is reporting in the August 28 Tacoma News Tribune. Groan. Given I-5’s competing-demand-for-capacity, 275 miles in our state described by Douglas B. MacDonald in Crosscut, this past May 16, as “in desperate need of repair, rehabilitation, […]
Letter: Rowers – and Celebrities – On the Rocks
Nine girls soaking wet, a submerged boat, a dislocated thumb and a trip to the hospital. A Cornish proverb runs, “He who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.” It had all started out well enough as most disasters do.
Letter: What’s In a Name?
By David Anderson Batman saving our planet notwithstanding, “a generation without fathers is a generation without moorings.” And thus without superheroes. What’s in a name? How about the title, role, and name of Batman? Or, though never to be as household a name as 41-year-old Ben Affleck who is slated to be cast as the 8th Dark Knight in the […]
Letter: Discretion Is Advised
By David Anderson “Pedophilia, incest and graphic sex,” is on all Washington public schools’ recommended reading list for 11th graders this September. Is your child entering 11th grade in September – anywhere in any of Washington’s public schools or those of any of 45 other states that have adopted the Common Core curriculum?
Westside Story – Raven Gets Jump On Life
Photo, Video & Story – Joseph Boyle A couple days ago I was at Starbucks minding my own business when this guy named Richard, drove up in a beautiful 1980 Rolls Royce. What a fun car. We got to talking. He told me he had heard of me, the oldest living cub reporter this side […]
Westside Story – Young Author / Pogo Stick
Story by Raven, Photos – Joseph Boyle If you got a chance to read my previous story titled Raven Gets Jump On Life, you will already know what I am up to. I am very excited to give up some of my writing space for a young author whose first name is Raven. Raven is […]