By David Anderson Quite evidently there’s more to the new Common Core state educational standards than meets the eye and if parents are asleep they’ll miss it. The books “The Bluest Eye” and “Dreaming in Cuban” are both on the Clover Park School District’s (CPSD) – and on every school district’s in 46 states – […]
To Know
Letter: Calling the Poor, the Ignorant, the Foolish
By David Anderson The Patch wants to “improve the lives of residents.” So play the lottery. The Lakewood Patch wants you to play the lottery: “What would you do with $245 million?”
Westside Story – Free Defensive Firearms Classes
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Back in the early 1990s I met a cool guy by the name of Deputy Dan Hacker. He was cool then and he is cool now. Dan, always looking for a way to be a helpful to our community, serves as a Pierce County Sheriff’s deputy. For as long […]
Westside Story – Daughter, Harleys & Beer
By Joe Boyle I remember it like it was yesterday. In September, 1997, the last thing my daughter said to me before she trudged off to seminary to become a Lutheran minister was, “Now Dad, what ever you do, don’t buy a motorcycle. She did not want me to buy a motorcycle because she was […]
Letter: Rivers Without Boundaries
By David Anderson Rivers without boundaries are a swamp. Alligators inhabit swamps. An ancient proverb declares that it is beholden upon fathers to set boundaries for their children. Boundaries keep children from being eaten. Leaders likewise are to have the temerity to establish what shall define their community.
Letter: Council Candidates Respond
By David Anderson Bikini barista stands to gambling taxes to how to pay for repairing potholes. Now that both John Simpson and Bryan Thomas have published their reviews (those reviews found by clicking on their respective names) of the forum hosted by the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) this past Thursday evening in which the two candidates for Lakewood City Council […]
Letter: Is ‘dis’ respect?
By David Anderson ‘Johnny, what are you doing with your smartphone out while we’re having this most serious discussion?’ Johnny: ‘I’m bored. I need a break. So I’m playing poker.’
Westside Story – Free Defensive Firearms Classes
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Back in the early 1990s I met a cool guy by the name of Deputy Dan Hacker. He was cool then and he is cool now. Dan, always looking for a way to be a helpful to our community, serves as a Pierce County Sheriff’s deputy. For as long […]
Letter: Think About It
By David Anderson Why are football players stereotypically dumb? Why are blondes the brunt of jokes? And what does this have to do the collapse of our country? The answer, with respect to those on the gridiron, is not that they can’t handle homework. And blondes, well, the fact that they have more fun is to suggest a […]