Whether past or future given the present is most depressing? So did Nelson Mandela, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, Cicely Saunders, Aung San Suu Kyi, Edith Cavell and Raoul Wallenberg. All the stories of these individuals just listed are found in the book by Gordon Brown entitled “Courage – Portraits of […]
To Know
Letter: Garden Party
Standing near the green beans that tower over her and her little sister, McKenzie said she wants to be a teacher “to help other people learn.”
Her little sister Gracie meanwhile has more immediate interests – eating her cereal with blueberries from the garden.
“The Garden” is where the TREE “edible education” program involves a number of local children on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. behind the Community Center in Tillicum.
Heritage Questions: What Does a Genealogy Detective look for?
It’s this Saturday! The Family Research Workshop “From Hudson’s Bay to Downton Abbey” is this Saturday, August 16 to benefit the DuPont Historical Museum from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. I didn’t suspect until we started working on this interactive program how much it’s possible to learn in just a few minutes, and how important are the family stories that go with the bare facts. For instance:
Heritage Questions: So Am I A Genealogy Detective yet?
I had a call the other day from someone who said she can’t come to our our special heritage event From Hudson’s Bay to Downton Abbey on August 16. But she wanted to let me know that she was writing a check to the DuPont Historical Museum anyway because she believes our small museums are so important. You don’t even have to do that, just plan to be with us next Saturday, August 16, (with lots of surprises, prizes, and a free lunch) all for the benefit of the Dupont Historical Museum.
Heritage Questions: I don’t mean to be grouchy
“I don’t mean to be grouchy, but I don’t think I have time to do all of this research.“ That’s what I said to Dee Fournier last Friday as we talked about family research. “I mean, who’s kidding who. I barely have time to do the bare necessities. I haven’t washed undies in two weeks.”
“That’s too much information,” said Dee, moving back a couple of steps. “How much time do you have.”
Letter: ‘No Way, No How, Not Ever’
The question at Lakewood United early Thursday morning, July 31, was whether the four candidates represented at the platform, and wanting to represent you in the State Legislature, would use negative campaigning – ‘hit pieces’ – reflecting poorly on their opponent rather than run a race based on their own merits.
Letter: What The Heck Is That?
My wife planted a garden of vegetables – we think – but the jungle has not only taken root, it has taken over: the space available; the adjoining lawn; the bulkhead that separates the garden from the lake; and it has begun to obscure the view.
Our son-in-law swears he can see it grow (and grow and grow) while he’s watering it.
Letter: Money Made from Smoke and Mirrors
Lakewood is compensated up to $24,875 for its smoke detectors, aka the Lakewood Police Department Community Service Officers (CSO) and one Code Enforcement Officer.
According to a Public Disclosure Requested (PDR) document – the September 27, 2012 contractual agreement between the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) and the City of Lakewood – the City is reimbursed nearly $25,000 for the five members of Lakewood’s Burn Ban Patrol to observe, photograph, document and report those caught violating the air with smoke from chimneys, outdoor fires and even BBQ’s during burn bans.
Family Heritage: Answers to questions you didn’t know you had
Dorothy: Dee, here’s a question a lot of people have asked. Why are you giving this workshop and what’s your experience?
Dee: I’ve been working in family research for thirty years. I started out wanting to find out about my own family. I really consider my work with older people to be a ministry. I love teaching people, and sharing stories. . I was helping a young woman once who was very excited and said, “I’m just like the people on “Who Do You Think You Are?” So it’s sort of like creating your own show. Starring you and your family.