For the last four months, I’ve shared my home with 53 puppets, originally the property of Jeanne Charlton and the Lakewood Puppeteers. Now, as they get ready for their move to fame revisited at the Lakewood History Museum. Like any good Mom, I’m washing faces and sewing a couple of torn coats. Originally, we […]
To Know
Westside Story – Remember Song
An old college roommate of mine, Melvin R. Van Iderstein, sends me mind tickling e-mails from time to time. Mel’s last e-mail included a video I wish to share with you which titled Tom Rush Remember Song.
Letter: If not now, when?
Daniel Covarrubias, “who appeared to be reaching for something in his pocket,” was shot dead by Lakewood police in a lumber yard altercation Tuesday, April 21. “Police haven’t said whether he was armed.”
Covarrubias was the father of seven.
He’s not the first, just the latest.
Letter: A royal pain on National Train Day
As with high speed we approach high speed rail’s 8th Annual National Train Day on May 9th – which also, significantly, coincides with “Lost Sock Memorial Day” – the losses of Amtrak just last year alone are worth six minutes of reflection.
Local Wildlife Artist Becci Crowe to join Jane Goodall in the Congo
“The party’s over. Now off to the jungle,” declares Puyallup wildlife artist Becci Crowe as she plans her 13th trip to the African continent. This one is special even for Crowe who is a Signature Member of Artists for Conservation. On this trip, Crowe will join famed primatologist and conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall, at the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Sanctuary in the Republic of Congo.
Letter: When the bottom line is the top priority
The headline will one day read “They Were against It before They Were for It.”
You read it here first.
Letter: Every organization needs a hall monitor
Best if it’s the leader.
As we approach National Honesty Day, April 30, it is ironic – perhaps ‘comic’ would be more apt – that as to “congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day” – this ‘National’ day, this one day (only one?) set aside to tell the truth – “none were found.”
Westside Story – Lint Art
Have you ever heard of lint art? I never had until recently when my friend, Edra Zook, who recently retired from Starbucks #313 after ten years service, showed me her latest artistic creation. What you see was 20 years in the making.
Donate your old eyeglasses
Looking to donate those eyeglasses you’ve had laying around the house for a long time? Look no further than the Lakewood First Lions Club, which has been collecting and recycling used eyeglasses since 1954.
The used eyeglasses collected by the club (more than 6,000 in 2014) are processed and packaged by the Northwest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center in Lacey, which either includes them in their own humanitarian efforts or distributes them to other humanitarian groups traveling to developing countries.