If house-cleaning robots can collect data as they sweep up your house, regularly updating maps of floor plans, as well as the layout of home furnishings so as to “avoid toppling over lamps and ramming into your furniture,” think of what software utilized by a city-approved inspector of your rental could do.
To Know
Junior Achievement – Inspire and Prepare Young People to Succeed
Submitted by Don Doman. As a child I saw my father buy older cars and fix them up to resell. He also bought a house to rent out. In the sixth grade my parents bought a small motel. By the time I was in the seventh grade I was renting rooms. My parents soon bought […]
Art Talks: Jim Anderson
It all started with a comrade’s well-made, but none too well-made cornhole board for an army event; he re-designed and created it to perfection. Or maybe it started way earlier, in school, when drawing was one of his favorite subjects. And he was good at it – that good, that he won an architectural drawing […]
Letter: Lakewood’s Use of Force Policy – now will it be reviewed?
One of the largest police deadly force wrongful death verdicts in state history – more than $15 million awarded to the family of Leonard Thomas “an unarmed black man killed by a SWAT sniper in Fife”– recently found against the near-by cities of Lakewood and Fife, Washington.
Home from Home: Piece of Cake
I’m not a baker. I am not even much of a cookie eater. In short, I have an under-developed sweet-tooth. Still, the other day, when a friend of mine called me to ask whether I would bake a batch of cookies for a semi-private event, I said yes.
Hiring Others to Do Your Job
Submitted by Don Doman I grew up in a mom and pop motel. I did everything from washing linen to renting rooms. Making repairs, moving appliances, painting, and mowing was all just part of my chores. I began renting rooms when I was in the seventh grade. As an adult, my wife and I owned […]
Too hot, no Aug. 3 Tillicum meeting, but lots of news
Thursday’s (Aug.3) meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) has been cancelled, however, in the attached newsletter is a ton of information not the least of which is how to stay cool.
Letter: ‘I love you dad!’
Two out of three of our grandsons with that message to their dad on camera isn’t bad. And while winning two-out-of-three ballgames isn’t a sweep, it’s still more than the other guys.
A Celebration of Yard Art
Submitted by Don Doman Yard Art is generally a term for “any man-made aesthetic experience occurring in a private yard or garden.” However, I like to go a little broader and add murals and almost any artistic display you can see while driving by a yard, a building, or other structures including commissioned pieces of […]