New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Stephanie Jayne Lawrence; Joy Arlene Kooley. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Shanta Rae Stevens; Arnold David Cuff. Mountain View Funeral Home: Shirley Jean Jolliffe; Phylliss Rose; Irmgard “Irma” Willis. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Armand Bernhard Thompson Jr. Week’s Dryer Mortuary: James (Jim) Ewing Leisner.
To Know
Obituary Notices – June 17, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Sandra Gail Oliver; Celerina Bulado Fernandez; Judy Ann Hammond; John Paul Aragon, Jr. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: William Henderson Sanders; Phyllis Joyce Harriage; Mathias Daniel Mahora Jr. Mountain View Funeral Home: Michael James Bramhall; Epifania Quiocho; David Martin Stephen. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Anneliese Wiscarson. Powers Funeral Home: Maxine Cleone […]
Meet John Husby of Lynden Transport and the Transportation Club
In an office with the gray light of an overcast sky I had a warm conversation with John Husby, the current president of the Transportation Club of Tacoma. We were at the headquarters of Lynden Transport in Fife. John’s career with Lynden began in 2012, but his expertise came from years of moving, hauling, and […]
SONIC Drive-In donates to local area teachers this Teacher Appreciation Month
To honor the creative efforts teachers have made to maneuver their ever-shifting learning environments and keep students engaged this past year, SONIC® Drive-In donated $1.5 million to teacher requests on national education nonprofit site DonorsChoose on Teacher Appreciation Day, May 4. As part of SONIC’s ongoing Limeades for Learning initiative, the $1.5 million donation helped fund more than 7,000 teacher requests across […]
Obituary Notices – June 16, 2021
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Marilyn Rae Lewis; Robert Leonard Jr. Mountain View Funeral Home: Cherie Jane Asher; Christy Michelle Curtis; George Edward Paige; Thomas “Chuck” Paschal; Linda Swain. Hill Funeral Home: Stanley Moe.
Steilacoom Department of Public Safety reports 112 incidents in last week
Reported on the Steilacoom Department of Public Safety Facebook Page, “Over the past week, 112 Public Safety incidents occurred in town, including the following: Emergency and patrol incidents – 7 medical aid responses – 29 suspicious circumstance/security checks – 3 responses for persons in crisis/welfare checks – 32 traffic stops – 1 missing person, later […]
Obituary Notices – June 15, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Nancy Ellen Wallen. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Keith Leon Creley; Robert Stanley Smolko.
Flag Day; June 14th
Submitted by AMVETS POST 1, Tacoma, WA. June 14, 1777… The U.S. was only 13 states. Our flag then was “Old Glory”; with 13 stars, in celebrating our country’s INDEPENDENCE from the British. Our citizens at that time, were forming our government, whereby they were elected freely and equally by all its citizens. We shall […]
The New Miracle Worker – A Short Story
I got an excited call from a long time friend, whom I hadn’t seen in ages. I had left a small town in eastern Washington for the larger metropolis of Tillicum in western Washington. My friend wanted me to visit and experience what sounded like an old time revival meeting. She was just curious and […]