A press release from the Northwest Seaport Alliance. TACOMA— Managing Members of the NWSA voted today to further environmental sustainability efforts by approving $560,000 to support the use of Electric Yard Trucks in the Tacoma Harbor. Electric Yard Trucks, also known as terminal tractors, are cargo handling equipment that move containers to and from container stacks […]
To Know
Puyallup’s Meeker Days Street Closures
An announcement from City of Puyallup. The following streets will be closed on Friday, August 13, Saturday, August 14, and Sunday, August 15, 2021 in downtown Puyallup for the annual Meeker Days Art and Music Festival. The street department crews post no parking signs 48 hours in advance and will begin closing various side streets […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed August 4
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On August 4, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for July 13- July 26 is 190.5. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 4.4 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 179 COVID-19 cases and […]
Obituary Notices – August 5, 2021
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Betty June Dokken; Debbie Ann Jesus; James Breckenridge Jones; Robert Mitchell. Mountain View Funeral Home: Siegrid L. Seiffert; Gladys I Strand. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Heather Lee Tucker. Powers Funeral Home: Mary Kathryn Dean; David William Paul Phillips.
Sound Transit and the Future of our Region
An announcement from Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier and Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers. On Thursday, August 5, the Sound Transit Board will decide whether Sound Transit 3 (ST3) will be built as the regional mass transit system voters approved or become yet another victim to local interests. Since the founding of Sound Transit in 1993, […]
Curb and gutter work on east side of Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 16th St. to S. 13th St.
An announcement from Sound Transit. Crews are scheduled to complete the curb and gutter work on the east side of Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 16th St. to S. 13th St. on Friday, Aug. 6. Then, as soon as Monday, Aug. 9, the contractor will move the curb and gutter work to two […]
Canceled: Plan ahead for overnight I-5 ramp closures in Fife and Tacoma
A press release from Sound Transit. CANCELED: The overnight ramp closures previously scheduled the week of Aug. 9 for Port of Tacoma on-ramp to southbound I-5 and the southbound I-5 exit 135 to Portland Avenue, State Route 167 North and Bay Street are canceled. The contractor no longer needs to close the ramps to perform the […]
Brigade Encampment returns to Fort Nisqually, August 14-15
A press release from Metro Parks Tacoma. In the 1800s, the Hudson’s Bay Company used the Brigade system to collect furs from far-flung trading posts throughout the Pacific Northwest. Part business, part celebration the annual Brigade marked the end of a long year of social distancing for company employees. Fort Nisqually Living History Museum’s annual […]
DuPont cancels August 10 meetings
An announcement from City of DuPont. The DuPont Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 6:30 pm, has been canceled. Also canceled is the DuPont Civil Service Commission meeting for the same date.