Washington State House Democrats announcement. Rep. Mari Leavitt, D-University Place, recently introduced House Bill 1051, the Robocall Spam Protection Act, holding bad actors accountable for illegal robocalls. In partnership with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, the legislation provides Washington with the tools needed to hold those who prey on our seniors and most vulnerable accountable. HB 1051 […]
CERT Registration Now Open
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. West Pierce Fire & Rescue (WPFR) invites community members who live or work in Lakewood, University Place and Steilacoom to attend the next session of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes. The training will be held February 28 – March 18, 2023 and registration is now open. Aimed at […]
Flight of Fancy – Another Sea-Tac?
Submitted by Bob Warfield. I am not professionally qualified to advise in the matter of building another international airport to serve the Puget Sound urban realm. But, from what I have read, I am of the opinion that we may be contemplating the “problem and solution” from an isolating perspective, suggesting that the proposed duplication […]
Sound Transit Board formally adopts $1 ORCA LIFT fares
Sound Transit announcement. The Sound Transit Board formally adopted the $1 fare for ORCA LIFT riders on Sound Transit services, effective March 1. The move follows the completion of a six-month demonstration project implemented in September 2022 at the Board’s direction. “A person’s income should never be a barrier to traveling and accessing opportunities. By […]
Blood donations are needed
Pierce County social media post. The need for blood donations across the state is at a critical level and @crbs1946makes the process quick and easy. Thank you to those who regularly donate blood, and if you’re able to, please consider donating! Find a time and place to donate: crbs.net.
Curran Orchard Pruning Parties!
Submitted by CORE. Curran Apple Orchard 2023 Winter Events! Learn a new skill and help take care of a unique apple orchard park in University Place at FREE pruning parties sponsored by CORE (Curran Orchard Resource Enthusiasts)! Volunteers are needed to help prune and haul branches to dumpsters…no experience needed! Pruning Parties are scheduled for […]
Stormwater Calendar from City of Puyallup
City of Puyallup announcement. Did you know our Stormwater team produces a Stormwater Calendar? We partner with local school district students, who create the artwork and make the calendars for our residents. Stop by City Hall and pick up your free copy for 2023. Or via email at ecofriendly@puyallupwa.gov.
New anatomy and physiology lab first of a series of health science upgrades
Pacific Lutheran University announcement. When PLU science students returned to campus in fall 2022 they were in for a surprise. The previously outdated anatomy and physiology lab in the Rieke Science Center had been transformed into a cutting-edge learning facility, complete with best-of-its-kind educational technology, thanks to contributions from… Read the rest of the announcement […]
TPU Employees are generous
Tacoma Public Utilities social media post. Around this time each year, we get this number, and not a year goes by we aren’t amazed by the generosity of our employees. In 2022, TPU employees contributed $255,682 in cash, product donation, and volunteer time for our community!