The DuPont City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on April 25 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Legislature Passes Bipartisan Bill Targeting Illegal Robocalls
Washington State House Democrats announcement. Governor Jay Inslee was joined by democratic lawmakers and the Attorney General’s Office to celebrate the signing of House Bill 1051, the Robocall Spam Protection Act. Introduced by Rep. Mari Leavitt, D-University Place, the bill will hold accountable those who spam individuals with robocalls maliciously. The single highest number of complaints the […]
Wanna Cupcake Opens in U.P.
City of University Place announcement. Who doesn’t love a cupcake?! Or any sweet, for that matter? The public is invited to welcome U.P.’s newest business to the neighborhood on Wednesday, April 26 when Wanna Cupcake celebrates its ribbon cutting at 3826 Bridgeport Way W. Please stop by at 1:30 p.m. and say hello. And while […]
Dr. Erik Arnits relies on his medical training – and sense of humor – as an ER doctor in Central Washington
Pacific Lutheran University announcement. At PLU, Dr. Erik Arnits, Class of 2011, studied biology and chemistry as a double major. At first, he thought chemistry or dentistry was his future—but a medical mission trip the summer before his senior year to Costa Rica and Panama changed everything. He kept a journal of his time and felt his perspective shift, […]
Data shows pandemic’s mental health harm in Pierce County
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. More Pierce County residents suffered from mental health problems and opioid misuse in 2020 and 2021. Our new mental health data report and overdose dashboard paint a clear picture. We see evidence of depression, anxiety, violence, mental-health challenges among youth and concerns from teachers. Deaths and non-fatal poisonings from drugs were also on the […]
The Lakewood City Council April 24 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on April 24 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Job growth softens in March
Washington State Employment Security Department announcement. Washington’s economy gained an estimated 1,500 jobs (seasonally adjusted) in March. “Nonfarm payroll employment growth slowed in March after having expanded at a rapid pace in recent months,” said Employment Security Department (ESD) State Economist Paul Turek. “The pause in hiring could either be temporary or a sign that […]
Obituary Notices – April 22, 2023
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Albert Jerome Borba. Mountain View Funeral Home: Robert Carroll Diestler; David James Malone. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Mark A. Karlson. Gaffney Funeral Home: Margaret Louise Angelos.
You’ll Like Pierce County
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. Tacoma has two popular slogans, one of which is “The City of Destiny,” which originated from being chosen as the western terminus for the Northern Pacific Railroad’s transcontinental railroad in 1873. The other slogan, “You’ll Like Tacoma,” was introduced at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909 as a publicity tool […]