Submitted by Sharlene Paulman. In a small sandwich shop on Steilacoom Blvd. where we occasionally get our dinner, we were sorry to witness something that has probably become the norm and explains one of the reasons why we are being set back to Phase 2 in Pierce County. We stood in front of a glass […]
Letter: Being Me
Submitted by Aaron Arkin. I love being me. I mean, what’s not to like. Spinning, revolving, shuffling through different neighborhoods. I’ve been at this a long time. It’s been a blast. Seemed like forever it was just me doing accretion, heating up, cooling down, that sort of thing. Eventually figured out I do have neighbors: […]
Letter: Back the Blue
Submitted by Marjory Swalley, Lakewood Republican Women. Starting in 2020, the Police Departments in America have been subjected to criticism, disrespect, and bodily harm. To show our appreciation and support of all the police do for our communities, the Lakewood Republican Women have started the Back the Blue Project. Since June 2020, Lakewood Republican Women members […]
Call for Native artist entries for the annual IN THE SPIRIT Contemporary Native Arts exhibition
TACOMA, Wash – Applications are open for the annual IN THE SPIRIT Contemporary Native Arts exhibition, held each summer at the Washington State History Museum. The deadline for artists to submit work for consideration is May 7, 2021. Applications and guidelines can be found at “This exhibition, now in its 16th annual iteration, is recognized for featuring some […]
Virtual convening of The People’s Gathering to facilitate timely conversations about race
Pacific Lutheran University’s Campus Ministry and Center for Graduate and Continuing Education will co-host the spring virtual convening of The People’s Gathering: A Revolution of Consciousness (TPG) conference on April 22, 2021 centered on the topic Anti-Racism, Advancement Advocacy: What is it AND how do we engage? The People’s Gathering: A Revolution of Consciousness conference […]
Sound Transit Board seeks public input on priorities for managing COVID-19 revenue impacts, upward cost pressures
Through April 30, regional residents are encouraged to provide input to the Sound Transit Board of Directors on priorities for managing an unprecedented financial environment in its work to advance voter-approved transit projects that are not already under construction. Sound Transit faces two major, simultaneous challenges. A pandemic-driven recession has severely reduced consumer spending and agency tax revenues at […]
Lakewood’s Maple Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Accepting Bids
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Lakewood at the office of the City Clerk at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-5027, until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, and not later, and will then be opened and publicly read aloud in either the Council Chambers of the first floor of City […]
Obituary Notices – April 15, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Blanche Lee Jones; Scott Jay Eubanks. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Clifford Boyce; Merlene Townsend; Elias Hernando Ferrer. Mountain View Funeral Home: James H. Conklin; Gwendolyn Yvonne Haile; Faamalu Tauave Vili. Powers Funeral Home: Melvin E Moon; Susan Erickson; Linda S Larsen. Hill Funeral Home: Rhonda May; Pamela Jo […]
Pierce County Council approves $4 million to help small business
Three days before Pierce County officially “rolls back” to Phase 2 under the state’s reopening plan, the Pierce County Council unanimously adopted an emergency ordinance approving the use of $4 million from the county’s general fund to support local businesses. “We share the frustration of this setback, but we have the power to change it […]