Ask Germans to name the bleakest month of the year, and you will probably end up with a unanimous vote for … November. It’s as if the year, once a balloon, had lost all its air and remains but a floppy rubber bladder that stretches, but holds nothing. November – an accumulation of fog, drizzle, […]
Home from Home: Gardening
Until I came to the United States, I never had a garden. This is not unusual at all. In comparison to this nation, my mother country, Germany, is tiny, and its almost 90 million inhabitants literally live on top of each other in many places. I grew up in apartment houses. Later I rented apartments […]
Tale Unravels at Knitting Store
Do you remember the times when your family was sitting together, everybody doing something, while somebody was reading a book aloud to all of you? Starting next week, The Sock Peddlers LLC in Lakewood are hosting exactly such a unique event with local author Susanne Bacon in their cozy store with lots living room ambience.
Hooked on Yarns
It all started with a hobby that needed to be shared. Today it’s a business in Lakewood that is brimming with fine materials, infinite ideas, and the happy magic that made everything fall in place. The Sock Peddlers have opened their colorful store in the Colonial Center at Motor Avenue only a couple of months […]
Home from Home: October 31
Next week Wednesday is a red calendar day for so many American children. They have probably been figuring for weeks already what costumes to wear. Some will go to parties. Some will walk from door to door the old-fashioned way. Some will go trunk-or-treating in the safe surroundings of a local church. The rest of […]
Home from Home: First Snow
As long as I can remember, winter and snow have almost been synonymous for me. I grew up in Southern Germany, and we always experienced the white load sooner or later. We built snowmen and igloos, went tobogganing down any slope we could find, had snowball fights, ate icicles, and simply enjoyed the sight of […]
Home from Home: Old World Chimes
The other day, my husband and I happened across a Russian food and crafts bazaar in an orthodox Cathedral in Seattle. Over a bowl of delicious borshch and a steaming pirogue filled with spicy beef I suddenly choked. There was distinct chiming overhead, not of one, no, of various church bells. To a European like […]
Home from Home: German October Fests
October and Fest make for a pretty cool union in everybody’s mind, don’t they? They go with German beer, bratwurst, pretzels, Dirndl, Lederhosen, and oom-pah music. You might think of the Munich Octoberfest. Import it to the Pacific Northwest, and you have it authentically right here. Only … you wish, but you don’t.
A Paradise for Apple Lovers
Washington State is known for its abundance of delicious apple varieties. To its first incorporated city, Steilacoom, apples mean even more. After all, it was pioneer Nathaniel Orr who brought along the knowledge about orchards and the idea of commercializing them. The Steilacoom Apple Squeeze has been celebrating these facts – and, above all, apples […]