Our adopted daughter Jennifer Bradley – a Physical Education Director in the local school district – jokingly complained on Facebook yesterday that a certain national restaurant chain discriminated against those, like her, whose name had nothing to do with Christmas and therefore, unlike another of our daughters – Christina Noel (Anderson) Klas (Mrs. Klas, born […]
Letter: She sat up at the bottom of the steps
It was not where she’d fallen but where she’d taken refuge. Huddled there in the shadows on yet another grey and cold December morning, she had gathered close around what appeared to be her few possessions: a sleeping bag, a backpack and various odds and ends of things indistinguishable what with the little amount of […]
Letter: How to carve a turkey in 27 easy-to-follow photos
Not like it matters these days after Thanksgiving any more than it did the day of.
Letter: Did you go as a giant for Halloween?
USA Today says Harley Quinn – the supervillain and frequent accomplice and lover of the Joker – was costume choice number one.
Letter: Today’s news need not be tomorrow’s
A local chapter of a national health organization wanted to know what benefit it would receive for sponsoring our community seven-and-eight-year-old baseball team, all from the first and second grades of Tillicum Elementary School.
I was thinking about my answer as I read recent headlines.
Letter: Living for the picture and not the prize
We were approaching mud hens – hundreds of them – bunched in front of our double flatwater racing shell during our twice-a-week father-daughter early morning workout.
It was the third of our four-mile race against the clock, ever seeking faster times – struggling, straining, sprinting all while exhausting long-since spent resources yet even still digging deeper, rowing harder, with some success but mostly not.
Letter: Wreck-reational Marijuana
There’s a team coming – our featured presentation – to the November 5th meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA), 6:30 P.M., to present their case as to why Lakewood should allow – since city leaders have made it clear they’re not likely to endorse – recreational marijuana (MJ) sales.
Letter: Adoption Day
There’s an ancient proverb that reads: “A house is built by wisdom and by understanding it is entirely put in good order. And the inner chambers are filled by knowledge with every possession, honor and delight.”
Letter: Photo Finish
Or rather more accurately, a photo of us having finished.
I’ve never wanted to quit a race shortly after it started in my entire 27 on-again, off-again years of rowing.