INC magazine once opined the greatest need of a CEO from those under his charge, let alone from his or her second in command, was honesty, not loyalty.
Letter: Rental Inspection refund checks are in the mail
The city will pay $211,000 to reimburse landlords. Garbage fees will go up to cover the city’s losses in having illegally collected fees for its Rental Inspection Program.
Letter: Halloween – pretending to be what we’re not
On a day – Halloween – in which people pretend to be what they’re not, one year ago Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto champion of free speech, told a TV panel of critics that he would not pretend – even before the Ontario Human Rights Commission – to use politically-correct transgender pronouns like zir and […]
Letter: City Council throws out Rental Inspection Program
It’s true. The landlord registration program will not move forward after all. The City Council has decided they will not enforce it.
Letter: Build the wall
Sometimes with the youth we reach out to we’ll have them build a wall. We even give them the materials: sugar cubes for one team; Lincoln Logs for the other. Then comes the rain (watering can), and the wind (hairdryer turned on high).
Letter: Rental inspections – when the accused, but innocent, outnumber the guilty
A beer can was spotted by administrators at a high school football game. Before the season-opening kickoff, 75 students – row by row – were consequently pulled from the section of bleachers near where a school official saw the can and all were sequestered in classrooms, creating what some parents described as a chaotic scene.
Letter: Rental Inspection Programs are an admission of failure
When a city adopts a rental inspection program, it means the originators and adopters – city staff and city council respectively – are tired of ‘fire-fighting.’ In a word: failed.
Letter: Renters’ and Landlords’ check-list for the Rental Inspector
With clipboard-carrying inspectors in Lakewood, Washington set to begin sometime after Christmas their examinations of rental bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, kitchens, and maybe cupboards, following is a suggested – in the spirit of the coming holiday – naughty-or-nice checklist of your own for the one knocking at your door wanting entrance to your home.
Letter: TNT endorsement a kiss of death
The editorial board of the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) recently endorsed the incumbents of the Lakewood City Council for the November 7 ballot. Horror of horrors, to hear the TNT tell it, should Lakewood return to the “anti-incumbent fever” that infected the city when Lakewood Cares, described by the TNT as “a political insurgent group”, […]