The DuPont City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on June 25 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Police Chief Douglas Newman Leaving DuPont
DUPONT, WA – After five and a half years as the Chief of Police for the City of DuPont, Douglas Newman has submitted his resignation to Mayor Ron Frederick and City Administrator Keith Campbell. His resignation comes upon Newman being selected as the newest Assistant Chief of Police for the City of Fife, WA. “Chief […]
4th of July Pancake Breakfast in DuPont
Submitted by DuPont Historical Society. DuPont Historical Society’s 4th of July Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, part of the City of DuPont & Northwest Landing celebration, will be held in Clocktower Park, DuPont WA. All proceeds will benefit the DuPont Historical Museum, events, and programs. Open to the publicBreakfast served from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Thursday […]
DuPont June 14 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s June 14 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project – Draft EIS Comment
Notice is provided of the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project, City File No. SEPA 2021-002 The proposed Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project would occur on an approximately 313-acre site located on and to the southeast of the existing Pioneer Aggregates Mine in the City […]
DuPont June 7 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s June 7 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
The DuPont City Council June 11 Meeting Agenda
The DuPont City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on June 11 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Municipal Commission Opening – Park & Recreation Commission
The City of DuPont is looking for a citizen to fill a vacant position on the Park & Recreation Commission. The purpose of the Park & Recreation Commission is to advise the City Council on various parks and recreations issues, including the Capital Facilities Plan, land acquisition, park development, park facilities and recreation programs, and other […]
DuPont May 31 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s May 31 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.