Dirt is moving and the foundation is being built for the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library! If you drive by the site at Gravelly Lake Drive SW and Alfaretta St. SW, you will see work underway nearly every weekday.
Contractors are installing temporary measures to control erosion, clearing and grading the site, and installing utility lines. Workers are beginning to lay the foundation and then the modular building will be installed.
If the construction plan holds, the projected opening date of the interim Lakewood Library is August.
Long-term Lakewood Libraries
The Library’s Board of Trustees scheduled their first of two in-person study sessions to work on the long-term direction for Lakewood libraries. The first session, focused on the downtown Lakewood Library, is scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Administrative Center Meeting Room B (3005 112th St. E., Tacoma). The Trustees will schedule another study session dedicated to discussing long-term planning for the Tillicum Pierce County Library.
These meetings are open to the public to attend and observe.
In addition, prep work is underway with the City of Lakewood to move The Big One, the Douglas fir slice, at the current Lakewood Library. The Big One will move to the City of Lakewood and be on display at Fort Steilacoom Park in Steilacoom.
So you’re going to move that tree slice to the park where it will be vandalized and destroyed? How did that Hill Ward memorial work out for ya’ll? It’s been vandalized and neglected to the point where it’s dang near unrecognizable.
Yep !!!
Looking forward to illumination, 20 April, “interim” evident and possibly more permanent than we may wish. As tor “the big one,” a bit other-worldly don’t you think? How about “Woody,” or some neighborly appellation closer to Earth.
my goodness. I continue trying to remember, did we vote this..Can’t think that we would have, with perfectly good library, sitting empty. I really don’t like, always having to build something bigger and better, than we now have. And, how many people will see the big slice of a tree in Ft. Steilacoom Park? Only the few that run through, I think. This is only an old lady’s opinion..
I agree with you Evelyn. Don’t remember any of this coming up to vote on!!! That’s kinda the way Lakewood city hall likes to do business!!!
Why are we building an interim library when plenty of empty commercial space exists across the street? How will we dispose of this interim building when the permanent library has been built? Please explain how this is a responsible use of our taxes.
EXACTLY well said Fred!!!
Evelyn- We did not vote for this new temp library nor did we get to vote in who is on the library board. Unelected officials spending our money in an UNwanted way. The same group of people that did not maintain the upkeep on the old building that currently sits empty.
Fred- from prior comments many wonder the same thing… Why a new building needed to be built with so much empty retail space in Towne Center? Had they move right into Towne Center not only could the public already have a temporary place to enjoy but renovations could be underway or a new library started.
This poorly planned process has confirmed one thing in my mind. Next time there is a library bond/levy request I will have to decline.
Yep KM Hills you got it right!!!
I agree with KM Hills, use any of the buildings sitting or setting empty in the Towne Center. I see the City Council doesn’t believe in the “Friends of Lakewood” at the empty Lakewood Library. Who have supported the old library since 1960. Way before Lakewood became a city. This is a waste of Tax Payer’s money. Because it wasn’t voted by the citizens of Lakewood.
I also agree with Fred.
I am also not in favor to have the TREE of Life to be set in or on the property of Fort Steilacoom Park. To much vandualism and “NO Security” in the park by the city of Lakewood..
Well folks….what do you expect from a governmental body when it screwed things up in the first place?
HEY….it’s only money ! EKC
PS….FT STEILACOOM PARK IS IN L A K E W O O D…….NOT STEILACOOM. Mayhaps the Pierce County Library System doesn’t have access to maps.
Surely, the people who are in charge of all this are aware of the comments made in The Suburban Times. Yet I have not seen any comments from them, defending their actions.
Also wondering how long it will take for vandals to destroy “The Big One” when it arrives at the park. It will be far removed from security.
I totally agree. Looks like some place to get rid of it…
This temporary site is unfortunately a done deal. As I drive by and see the progress and how much footprint this temporary building has I have to wonder where patrons will park. Along Alfaretta? At the mall? Surely there will be those that try to park at Park Lodge. Such a waste of taxpayers money. I agree that this temporary library should have been located at a site that is currently sitting empty. And we might as well say goodbye to the tree. Vandals will likely destroy it as they do every other piece of history we have here in Lakewood.
General Harrison is shaking his head NO to Lakewood city hall and all their great ideas !!! WHAT A MESS THEY ARE MAKING OF LAKEWOOD!!!
Just putting this out there for people who have time and may have some political connections to Pierce County government. Let’s see if Pierce County government appoints anyone who has an interest in library services for Lakewood: https://thesubtimes.com/2024/03/07/help-serve-pierce-county-apply-to-be-a-pierce-county-library-board-of-trustee/
When is Lakewood going to build a recreation for families. Youth crime is rising because there is no sense of community. Instead of investing in your kids, you decide to build a temporary library and ignore the calls for investment in our youth. Stop the segregation of Lakewood and build us a Recreation Center with Technology. Build more fishing docks on our public lakes or charge more taxes to those around public lakes.
I too was saddened by thw close of the lakewood library. I just home that these plans are dictated by what services the new library will offer based on the needs of the community along with needs of the future and the surrounding organizations. I hope the there was some leg work regarding countrys like Sweden and Canada that has been revising their libraries as needs change and develope.