I recently read a Suburban Times letter from a Candyce Hernandez. It’s about an email she sent to CPSD which was quarantined and sent to a spam folder. I read the response she posted which she stated came from Superintendent Banner which explained… since CPSD was hacked they are now using Office365 and the software automatically sends some emails to quarantine.
Here’s my problem with that explanation. At my place of employment, we also use Office365 which does send suspicions emails to quarantine; however, Office365 also sends notifications about any email in quarantine. In addition, Office365 also sends reminders if you have not acted on an email in quarantine, so potential important emails don’t get missed.
It is not Mr. Banner’s job to go through the quarantine folder but if Office365 notifications were not sent directly to the intended recipient, as happens in my office, then someone in the IT department should have been acting on the notifications for those items in quarantine. If the intended Board member(s) did get the quarantine notification and didn’t act, then that is a whole other issue.
The other aspect of the submission by Candyce Hernandez was how the District has yet to inform parents about what student info could have been stolen in the hack of the District. In my experience this is a much greater issue than just current students’ info. It would include information held by the District about past students, current/past employees and sometimes about volunteers who have completed background checks.
Overall, as I have stated before, it is time for new leadership at CPSD and it can’t happen soon enough.
Thank you for informing me even more how Office365 works. I received a very similar letter from Mr. Banner (I’m happy to screenshot it and send anyone a copy). My letter was in quarantine for almost 2 months! It was only discovered when I resent another letter questioning why my first one never received a response. I was then told at a board meeting (August 9th) by Marty Schafer that emails don’t get lost. I showed him proof after the meeting, as he refused to let me speak during the meeting. This is unacceptable! The same board members will produce the same excuses and the same results. I agree that new leadership is needed! I will be voting for David Anderson and Jeff Brown, who are ready and willing to tackle these challenges!
Thank you! I am glad I’m not the only one who seen a greater flaw than just the quarantine response.
The hack is important. The foot dragging done on that issue is pathetic.
The fact that the hack is used as a scapegoat to their incompetence is also a reason to vote for change.
Absolutely time for new leadership and a new Superintendent! He blocked my husband and I from his CP twitter page and when we complained they shut the oage down and blamed hackers. He had all sorts of divisive political memes on it and as soon as they saw someone was taking screenshots, they blocked us! Yet they claim to be transparent!!!
The whole district, minus one biard member, have onmy one thing they care about and it isn’t student performance or education!!!
Paul Wagemann is the only board member you approve of because he is actively engaged in the same politically motivated effort to have right-wing extremists take control of our school district. David Anderson and Jeff Brown have 100% made this non-partisan school board election all about the current far right agenda and you know it. You are a donor to Anderson’s campaign. The list of ever growing self-serving grievances and claims you make against our superintendent and school board members (with the exception of your political friend Wagemann) shines a light on how eager you are to sling mud in order to win. Good and competent people currently serve on our school board. I am paying attention to what an intentionally ugly campaign of political disinformation, fear-mongering and nasty personal attacks are coming from the Anderson and Brown donors and supporters. It’s as if they were given a sheet of insults and faux facts to launch on a weekly basis.
Ron Banner, Marty Schafer and Alyssa Pearson demonstrate leadership and have cared about student performance and education. Your insult says more about you than those actually working to address the needs of our students on a daily basis. We don’t need to politicize our local school board which is exactly what you, David Anderson, Jeff Brown and Paul Wagemann are intent on doing.
Leadership is now defined as being non transparent and self fulfilling?
What defines a “right wing extremist?” Or is that someone who doesn’t agree with you?
Yes. The under-the-table tactics the majority of this board uses is a problem. The hack cannot be an excuse forever. It’s underhanded and evidence of incompetency, unprofessional, and careless leadership. We need change in CPSD.
Extremist: a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views.
Right-wing: the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system.
If you put these two words and meanings together they become “right-wing extremists.”
How the term can be used in a sentence:
Example#1 Ronald Reagan was a Republican with solid conservative ideas and values who would be sickened by how right-wing extremists attacked our democracy on January 6th.
Steve Bannon is a right-wing extremist with fanatical political views who encouraged Republicans to make CRT a cultural war in order to win school board elections.
Look who followed those marching orders!
I encourage people to Google “Steve Bannon and school board races”. Then, compare what has happened in the last 9 months with the attacks on our local school board by the same people directly involved in the Anderson and Brown campaigns. Look at how Brown and Anderson made CRT the focus of their campaigns.
If it looks like, sounds like and acts like a duck…it’s a duck!