In Tacoma Little Theatre’s one hundredth year they celebrated by producing plays from various productions since TLT’s beginning. Laura was picked because there were very few mysteries over the years, and Laura was a very successful film noir feature in 1944. Lt. Detective Mark McPherson (Rodman Bolek) needs to solve the murder of the captivating […]
Baguettes to Feed Multitudes
If you’ve ever belonged to an organization where you are asked to supply snacks, or luncheon fare, then you are probably familiar with leftovers. Peg volunteered to help with lunch for her P.E.O. AY chapter. My job was to buy baguettes and cut them into rounds. This meant visiting the Safeway at North 26th and […]
Par for the Course and Community Fundraising . . . a short story
“Would you like to try a fried pickle?”I replied, “If they were fried zucchini I would jump on it, but no.” I was having lunch with my friend Amy of Ruston Logistics, It was a beautiful spring afternoon in Tacoma, I had just taken a nice walk around Wright Park and then dropped down a […]
Inspecting Carol Lakewood Playhouse Review
“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by the son of York.” Act 1, Scene 1 – Richard III by William Shakespeare. In the four hundred plus years since Shakespeare wrote those words, they have been spoken countless times, by great actors and those of lesser talent. Wayne Wellacre (Jed Slaughter) is one […]
St Vinnies' Wear Something Vintage Auction Fundraiser
St. Vincent de Paul has two thrift stores in Pierce County (Tacoma and Puyallup). Both are pretty basic. People donate items and St Vinnies stores them and sells them at prices people can afford. They run a tight ship. Here is what they do for our community, “You may know us for our Thrift Stores, […]
A Country State of Mind
“Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr. We’re close to firing up our new HVAC System. A four-man team from Furnace Doctors ( hauled out the monstrous heat exchanger last week, so I’ve been considering how to move things around in my office. New ideas in […]
A Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick? Not quite!
I don’t actually recoil in fright, but when I visit the dentist for any oral work, I have a simple request: a swab, a shot, the gas, and a dental assistant sitting beside me stroking my arm and whispering, “It’s going to be all right.” So imagine my panic when I found out that a […]
Following Dreams . . . With Spunk
Peg and I attended the annual meeting of the Tacoma Historical Society. We are not members, but we went to see Living History: “Leading Ladies Come to Life.” Karen Haas and a cast of re-enactors portrayed seven women from Tacoma’s history going back 150 years. In the hit television series, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, […]
A Hometown Atmosphere and Excellent Food – Restaurant Review
We walked into Joeseppi’s north end restaurant for dinner. We weren’t greeted by Joe Stortini, which felt a little strange. Maybe he finally retired, but we missed his welcome. We headed straight to the bar instead of waiting to be seated. Adam gave us a warm welcome from the kitchen area. Adam is the grandson […]