The Farmers’ Market and the final Concert in Steilacoom’s Pioneer Park drew a huge crowd Wednesday night to hear the Blues Brothers. This was the ninth and final concert of the year while the Farmers’ Market continues each Wednesday (3-7 pm) until September 8. This was the second year for the market and all indications […]
The Bair is back
If you live in Steilacoom or know anything about the town, you know The Bair has been a central gathering post for many, many years. Unfortunately, the place closed down a couple years ago and only recently was it reopened as The Bair Bistro. We stopped in the other day for a late lunch and […]
Steilacoom Sunset from Sunday
Sunset from the deck of Steilacoom’s Mary Lou and Dave Sclair taken Sunday, June 27.
Firing range construction
Anyone driving the DuPont – Steilacoom road has to have noticed the construction going on at the firing range. The firing position shelters are being torn down and a lot of the hillside appears to be being excavated. The sign at the site declares the small arms range is being repaired – recovery. Does that […]
Open house June 14 to air shoreline update
The Steilacoom Planning Commission will host an open house June 14 to hear a presentation from the Department of Ecology on the Shoreline Management Act and the Town’s update process. The session will be held at the Steilacoom town hall starting at 6:30 pm and will include a presentation from Steilacoom’s shoreline consultant, ESA Adolfson, […]
Steilacoom Chamber’s Wine Tasting Tour
As part of community outreach Bridgeport Place holds membership in three Chambers of Commerce: Steilacoom, Lakewood, and the University Place/Fircrest Division of the Tacoma Pierce County Chamber of Commerce. To familiarize the local business community with the facilities and amenities at Bridgeport Place, an early evening Business after Hours networking event was held with members […]
Dozing the mill
The former paper mill in Steilacoom is rapidly giving way to the bulldozers and other equipment intent on removing the buildings and other facilities on the Chambers Bay site. Although demolition of the long shutdown paper mill continues, no word has come out on the future use of the site.
Steilacoom’s Bair Drug open
Steilacoom’s Bair Drug opened for business on Saturday. A steady procession of ice cream lovers reportedly checked it out.
Unusual Sight
UNUSUAL SIGHT – Monday evening this obviously old ferry boat was tied up parallel to the shore at Ketron Island, just south of the ferry landing. The tug boat and a small powerboat checked it all around and then left. Later that evening the Rhododendron ferry came in and made its regular stop at the […]