Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) July 19 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Let’s Talk! – Between Attic and Basement
Have you switched off your screens and are ready to ponder and/or discuss another prompt from my friend, author Tyrean Martinson’s book A Pocket Sized Jumble of 500+ Writing Prompts? I have lived in quite a few different homes with a number of floors to the houses. But it is the term “attic” that resonates […]
Letter: In A World Where You Can Be Anything
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. On the eve of what would have been our 52nd Anniversary there occurs every year on that date this proverb: “What is desirable in a man is his kindness,” Proverbs 19:22. Kindness. Not macho-ness; not prowess; but kindness. Le Clerc, in his commentary, believes the intent […]
Lakewood Lions donation helps buy vest for LPD canine unit
Submitted by Eric Warn. Patrick D. Smith, Lakewood chief of police, left, recently accepted a $700 donation from the Lakewood First Lions Club towards purchasing Kevlar vests for their police dogs. Standing on the right is police officer Joshua Repp and his dog Hawk.
Harvest Hoedown at the H-Barn
LAKEWOOD – Partners for Parks will host Harvest Hoedown at the H-Barn on Saturday, September 28 (4-7 pm). Grab your partner and join us at the H-Barn for a good old fashioned “Harvest Hoedown”. Kick up your boots at whats sure to be a fun filled family friendly community event! $10 per person, kids 8 […]
Across the Fence: Mitteleuropa
Today’s Germanism in the English language is one widely open for interpretation, although it might not seem so at first sight. The term Mitteleuropa (pronounce: ‘mittle-oy-‘ro-pah, meaning Central Europe) can be used politically, physiographically, or cultural-historically. And as, over the millennia, there has been a lot of migration and wars, its references have kept shifting […]
Letter: Be The Man
Why men like Martin matter. Martin VanSoest was my father-in-law. Which meant I married his daughter, Lennie, fifty-two years ago this coming July 22. On that day I will be deep in the wilderness, camping alone. My wife isn’t with me on the trail anymore. We lost her battle with cancer just months after our […]
38th Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival Features More Authors Than Ever
Summer is finally here in Western Washington and with it one very popular event, the Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival. This coming weekend, numerous artists, artisans and authors – all in all around 150 creators – will present their work and offer it for purchase to the public. And, of course, visitors won’t have to […]
Friends of the Lakewood Library Donation Dropoff, July 20
Submitted by Robert Estrada. In preparation for the October 18 and 19 book sales, donation drop off dates are the Saturdays of July 20, August 17, and September 21. Please bring your donations to the back parking lot of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 10630 Gravelly Lake Dr SW, Lakewood, from 11am to 1PM. In addition […]