Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The four words in my headline and again in my photo really tell the complete story. The holidays are a traditional time for many to partake in adult beverages. When you drink, do not drive.
Letter: Stop-the-Train Signature Drive Continues
By David Anderson We’ve discovered we have more time to gather signatures in the effort to put an initiative on the ballot for a vote of the people on the most significant transportation issue the City of Lakewood is likely ever to face – as many as 12 high speed trains per day through a […]
Westside Story – A Familiar Ring
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Chapter I – Gold Nugget Ring In 1966 my future wife and I decided to spend the money required to buy a wedding band for me. It was a lot of money and we did not have a lot of money, but since we planned to marry only once, […]
Westside Story – “KINDNESS 365”
Story & Photo by Joseph Boyle I have a metal sign hanging in my office. The sign’s message is succinct and yet shares a powerful message, “KINDNESS 365”. Let me share two stories with you to demonstrate how “KINDNESS 365” is a wonderful life-enhancing concept.
Westside Story – Lakewood Fallen Officers Anniversary
Story and Photos by Joseph Boyle On November 29, 2011 at about 8:30 a.m. I met my good friend, Skip Miller, inside the Forza Coffee Shop located at 11401 Steele St, Tacoma, Washington. We met at this particular location because it was inside this same coffee shop, just two years ago, that four of our […]
Westside Story – NIMBY
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle BAD NEWS HEADLINE! “First Baptist Church of Lakewood buys old Lakewood Police Station.” The building is located at 5504 – 112th St SW, Lakewood, Washington, between Gravelly Lake Dr SW and Bridgeport Way SW, right next door to First Baptist Church. Earlier news accounts made it look like First […]
Westside Story – Book Report
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Do you remember when we were school kids and our teachers made us write book reports? My sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Alba Greenfield, required her students write book reports. I loved Mrs. Greenfield, but she was unreasonable when it came to book reports. That’s right, she required that we […]
Letter: Who is the customer?
By David Anderson, Tillicum “Building trust in government” – the concern raised in the last paragraph of Lakewood City Manager Andrew Neiditiz’s column in the fall “Lakewood Connections” recently delivered to mailboxes throughout the city – is placed here in the first paragraph since the topic of trusting government merits discussion of highest importance given […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Library, Before & After
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Back in February 1986, a quarter century ago, I took the attached black and white photograph (above). In 2011, I took the attached color photograph (below).