Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle I have hundreds of stories I could share with you regarding the concept “Negative & Positive Set-up”. Let me just share a few negative set-up stories with you. NEGATIVE SET-UP: How about the guy who put a briefcase on the top of his car? This happened years ago. He is […]
Letter: Gambling in Lakewood gets a bye?
Bowling pin refinishing fees and charges for Haunted Houses in Lakewood are slated to rise along with property taxes, gas utility taxes, and costs to use public parks per the Special Meeting of the City Council set for Monday, Nov.26, 7 P.M. at City Hall.
Westside Story – Jimmy John’s
Story & Photo Joseph Boyle I was working out on South Hill Puyallup this evening when I spotted this attractive eye catching restaurant called Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches, aka (JJ’s). I had never really seen a JJ’s before. The magnetic attraction of the joint pulled me right into the parking lot.
Westside Story – Sign of the Past & Future
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The other day while I was at work I found myself inside the Vice Principal’s office. It was a fairly comfortable experience for me since I spent a lot of time in the Vice Principal’s office back in the 1960s during my high school years. While looking around, I spotted this […]
Westside Story – Banana Mind
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle My title to this article is somewhat unique. Please allow me to explain myself. Few people know that Starbucks has a produce section. It is an itty-bitty produce section. They only sell bananas. So, you can buy a banana and just eat it like an ordinary monkey or Starbucks will blend […]
Westside Story – Ooh La La!
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle You just never know what you are going to see if you keep your eyes open. I was visiting the Starbucks on Steilacoom Boulevard when I happened upon a very unusual collector car in the parking lot. It is a mint condition French 1960 Renault 4 cylinder 4-door. Between […]
Westside Story – Islander
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle While we do not wish to slander the Islander, 15 of us at Towne Center Starbucks were wondering why the Islander is making a habit of parking this truck facing the wrong way in the drive-through lane at Starbucks. This spot is meant for cars travelling in the opposite […]
Westside Story – A Child Called “It”
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle We live in America, one of the greatest countries in the world. It is then, difficult to understand why we still have children in our country who are verbally, physically, psychologically and sexually abused. The other day I counted 25 customers inside Starbucks. Based on current statistics that suggest 1 […]
Westside Story – Julian Calendar
Photos & Story – Joseph Boyle When I wrote my last calendar piece titled “Mutant Calendar”, (September 9, 2012), I promised to double back and share some educational information with you regarding the Julian calendar. For those of you who might not be familiar with the Julian calendar date system, Julius Caesar devised the concept in 46 […]