The outboard engine idled smoothly, quietly, barely above a whisper. Water circulation was instantaneous with the turn of the key, the handy visual spray squirting jet-like from the housing indicating all was good in the cooling department.
Westside Story – Cartoonist Wanted
If we count all the Westside Story articles I have published in The Suburban Times since the end of 2010, the number is getting close to 500. Has anyone noticed I have never published a single article without including at least one photo or cartoon? I personally challenge myself to always include a visual of […]
Little Shop of Big Gulps – Musical Review
Great music and lots of laughs. Can you ask for anything more in a musical comedy? The action takes place in the sixties with do-wopish, danceable songs by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. Their partnership resulted in the words and music for The Little Mermaid (1989), as well as Beauty and the Beast (1991). Ashman […]
Westside Story – Faulty Logic
It is clear to me a great many pro-marijuana people suffer from a crippling defect in their ability to process logical thought as related to I-502 which was an initiative to decriminalize marijuana.
Westside Story – Cannabis Shops Banned In Lakewood
On Monday, May 21, 2018, at 7:00p I attended the Lakewood City Council meeting with the sole purpose of being witness to our Lakewood City Council’s voting process regarding approving or banning cannabis shops in our city.
Letter: Sugar-coating drug use
“I am always a child advocate and seeking to speak out on the best interest of children.” Who said that?
Lakewood First Lions donates sight kits to CP school district
The Lakewood First Lions Club purchased and donated 11 sight kits to the Clover Park School District. Washington State recently imposed new vision testing requirements, requiring both near and far sight tests for students. These sight testing kits provide each school nurse with the tools to accomplish those tests.
Letter: The educational system has failed our youth
How else do you explain the results of a recent poll that teens think marijuana improves their performance behind the wheel? No really.
My Tattoo of "Ponders Corner Forever!"
Okay, I don’t really have a tattoo showing off Ponders Corner, where I grew up, but the idea isn’t that far-fetched. LeBron James, the basketball superstar bears a tattoo of “330,” the area code of his hometown of Akron, Ohio. People have their own reasons for getting tattoos. “Unlike scarification and branding, the art of […]