One of my columns titled, Westside Story – Hey You, Get Off The Sidewalk appeared on a Friday, March 28, 2019. A writer never knows what kind of public reaction will follow a freshly written column. My column, having to do with the impact of the No Pedestrian / No Walking signs, related to the […]
Letter: Coming home
‘Are you in a position where you can raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?’ Expert testimony in the courtroom was being handled over the phone and the black-robed judge went through the swearing-in formality as if the person on the other end of […]
Three – Two – One
Three – Two – One! They’re on the air and right now you can hear them perform their first radio play. The Lakewood Radio Players, an offshoot of Lakewood Senior Players and the revered Lakewood Playhouse, guest this month on Dorothy Wilhelm’s Swimming Upstream presented on the SOB Radio Network. (SOB stands for Spunky Old […]
Across the Fence: Better than Icarus
The dream of flying is as old as mankind. Greek mythology tells us about a youngster who steals his father’s wax-melded wings and actually manages to rise into the sky, but when, in his recklessness he flies too close to the sun, the wax melts and he plummets to his death. Today, we all know […]
Across the Fence: Bucket Lists
Lately, I have come across a thing that seems to be the newest fad for people who are about to celebrate their 70th birthday: At age 70, do 70 new things that you always wanted to do but never did. It sounds like fun, but I’m not sure about how brilliant the idea really is. […]
Westside Story – Hey You, Get Off The Sidewalk
Recently I took an espresso break with a highly credible person who is as they say, “in the know.” While knocking back my cappuccino, my confidential informant informed me that a number of citizens have been directing highly emotional and loosely supported complaints towards City of Lakewood staff and Lakewood City Council. The critical comments […]
Westside Story – Writer’s Block
Have you ever wondered how it is I never seem to run out of things to write about? Many writers suffer from a condition known as writer’s block. I will let you in on a little secret today. One glass of Burgundy causes any writer’s block standing between me and the printed page to float […]
Across the Fence: Dorothy Wilhelm tells Sound history
If you feel that you have heard all of Puget Sound history and nothing could surprise you anymore – think again! For the other day, I finished reading legendary author and humorist Dorothy Wilhelm’s latest book, “True Tales of Puget Sound”. And I just wish history in school were taught as lively and interspersed with […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Police – Bike Patrol
Sometime this past January 2019, while motoring through the Lakewood Towne Center, I spotted four uniformed Lakewood Police Officers on bicycle patrol. Based on my 20 plus years experience as a police officer chasing evildoers and criminals, I was immediately enthused by the sight of LPD officers stealthily moving through the 99 acres of the […]