The following was written eight years ago but the memories, how they linger and, perhaps, like some of the melancholier music that reminds of Christmas past, may the following bring needed pause for reflection in this otherwise very busy season. There’s something significantly special about the mere mention of home at this time of year […]
Across the Fence: Spreading the Joy
Remember those days when you were little and you knew soon it would be Christmas? You had no clue when exactly, and every day was filled with wonder and worry whether Santa, in a German’s case the Christ child, would bring you gifts? Because you hadn’t been all that good as expected? But you were […]
Letter: Lakewood Police investigate Lochburn basketball program
Just kidding. Needed a headline grabber. But it’s kind of true. A Sergeant with the Lakewood Police Department (LPD), acting on a tip, investigated and decided the numbers didn’t add up. The Lady Lions of Lochburn Middle School had a total of two (2) official game basketballs. Two. For nearly 40 girls. With less than […]
Westside Story – Pocket Money While Traveling The World
About three weeks ago, I returned to America from Mexico and can hardly wait to share my news. Because I have frittered away a good portion of my retirement funds hanging out in espresso shops, I now need a little extra cash just to get by. While sailing the Pacific Ocean during the Booze & […]
Letter: Shopping with grandpa
Will Mini Mouse escape the clutches of the Evil Octopod? Will the dinosaur escapees from Jurassic Park II get to her first? Can the lone Power Ranger single-handedly defeat them all in time? Stay tuned to the continuing weekly episodes of grandpa and his granddaughter in their exciting series: ‘Goodwill Toys Gone Bad!’
Letter: Bah humbuggery
It’s time for the annual display of anti-holiday cheer. A Texas HOA has taken a rather frosty attitude toward a family in their community, demanding they take down Frosty, their inflatable snowman, on their front yard because it’s too early to be happy for the upcoming holiday. Thumpety-thump-thump stormed the homeowner’s association higher-ups to the […]
Letter: Like rose petals sharpen rose petals
Your life characterized by rose petal strewn paths? Do you spend endless summer days among rainbows and unicorns, daisies woven throughout braids of hair, dancing somewhat aimlessly in a circle hand-in-hand with other like – and-empty- minded, flipped-out folks? Rose petals don’t sharpen rose petals. Iron does. That’s the truth of an ancient proverb of […]
Across the Fence: Mix it up!
When I grew up, meat was on the table only scarcely. Which made the Sunday roast my mother prepared for lunch ever so much more special. Besides she had quite a variety of recipes. It could be a sauerbraten or a beef roast, a larded beef roast, a pork roast, a crusted pork roast, a […]
Susanne Bacon Signs Books at SHMA
It might be your last opportunity of getting yourself a signed copy of one of my books this year! I’ll be at the Steilacoom Historical Museum’s Holiday Store on Sunday, November 17, 1 through 3 pm, with my latest Wycliff novel as well as my essay collection “Home from Home”. “Home from Home” ran as […]