She was tall, slender, an attractive blond, her hair shoulder length, well dressed. Then she happened to turn around. The left side of her face was brutally blue, and black, the purplish swellings no doubt once having closed off any ability to see diminishing, but still, a once pretty face didn’t, perhaps couldn’t, smile, it […]
Westside Story – No Story, No Title
It did happen, so it stands to reason, it did not happen. If my title line and the first paragraph of today’s column has you confused, please read further to achieve a relaxing sense of clarity. I have been sharing my particular style for arranging the 26 letters of our alphabet on the printed page […]
Letter: ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ – not any more
There is, under development, a Smart Litterbox that senses use (“and can send you an alert, if you like to know such things”), and self-scoops out the poop. There is a mirror, mirror now available on the wall which, installed in your bathroom, ensures who is the smartest of all. It can show you who […]
Letter: Clams, Cryptids, and the Ca-ching! Cuisine Pine Mushroom – legislative highlights
Add clams to the Washington State symbols “chosen following dedicated research.” A cryptid – “an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated” in Washington’s case Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch – was the nomination Valentine’s Day, (don’t you love it?) February 14, 2017. Not to be outdone, the delectable, flavorful, some might even say beautiful […]
Across the Fence: Soaring sky-high
The other day, I tagged along with my husband to the 36th Annual Northwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show at the Washington State Fair Center in Puyallup. He was going to hold down a booth. I had a book with me in case it became too boring. I was expecting a presentation of aviation products […]
Letter: Kamala Harris, the Pandora’s Box of presidential hopefuls
This time it’s legalization of prostitution. Harris is for it. In recent days it was legalization of pot. “The world needs more joy,” said Harris, and cannabis is the cure this presidential candidate proffered for whatever sadness ails mankind. What’s sad is Harris’ rationale. ‘As long as nobody is hurt’ Harris said in an interview […]
Westside Story – Is Common Sense Dead?
Anne, who has become one of my faithful national Westside Story readers from New York got me to thinking after she sent a piece published in the London Times dealing with common sense or the lack thereof. When I was growing up, my parents drilled the concept of common sense into my developing personality. Common […]
choose Chas, choose change
Charles Ames has announced his candidacy for Lakewood City Council for ONE term. Who is Charles Ames? Commandant of the local Marine Corps League before I earned my 5-year pin 2-term Chair of the City of Lakewood’s Public Safety Advisory Committee Single dad and was a member of Harrison Prep’s PTO for 6 years and […]
Across the Fence: Snowshoeing the Trail of the Shadows
Have you ever been snowshoeing? I haven’t before I came to Western Washington, and I don’t know how much of a pastime it is in Germany, if so at all. We still don’t have snowshoes of our own, but as we go only once or twice a year, we find it good enough to rent […]