The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Oct. 21 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Letter: When You Wish for Love
I almost stepped on them. Exiting my truck, having parked at the curb, I gathered up my computer, checked again to be sure my keys were in my pocket, I locked up and turned to head toward the coffee shop across the street. But right there, at my feet, in the grass median between the […]
Lakewood City Manager October 18 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) October 18 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Letter: Lakewood-Where Developers Win, and Residents Chip In
As we see box apartments going up around Lakewood, and 800 more people potentially moving onto the Barnes and Noble property, I thought The Suburban Times readers would be interested to know that Lakewood has been laser-focused on giving developers the highest possible profits. This came up at a recent City Council hearing. The council […]
Let’s Talk! – Forgiving and Forgetting
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. What a concept! It is not entirely Biblical, by the way – I looked it up. Just the concept of forgiving is. “Just.” To me, the most superhuman prayer […]
Letter: It’s So Good to Be Home
She watched him from afar. From a long, long way away, day after day, week after week, month after month, she watched him. She watched him struggle up the mountains. Mile after often tortuous mile as he wandered, she wondered at his purpose. She saw the pain in his eyes. She saw him often stop, […]
CPSD Learning in Motion – Thomas Middle School Yearbook Class
Clover Park School District’s Learning In Motion video series peeks inside schools to see what students are learning across the district. In this feature, we follow Thomas Middle School photography students around campus as they capture life as a Titan for the 2024 school yearbook. They were recently treated to a presentation from local professional photographer Matty […]
Trio of RFPs from Lakewood for services
The City of Lakewood has posted Request for Proposals (RFP) for:
Across the Fence: Hausfrau
Have you ever come across the Germanism Hausfrau (pronounce: ‘howse-frouw, literally house woman) in the English language? I have to admit I haven’t. I only learned the English terms housewife and the much prettier one, homemaker. Housewife and Hausfrau to me have a different vibe from homemaker. The first two seem to focus on a […]