By Walter Neary. Visit the four buildings of Historic Fort Steilacoom in Lakewood for free from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, as part of Smithsonian magazine’s annual Museum Day. Museum Day culminates the Lakewood museum’s tourist season schedule; the largest tour this year was a visit of 61 ROTC instructors gathered […]
Letter: CPSD Board Member vs. Superintendent
Monday, I attended the Clover Park School Board Meeting for the controversial vote on Diversity & Equity. There were a great number of community comments, which were overwhelmingly weighted with input from current and past educators. Not surprisingly, the measure passed with a 4-1 vote. After the meeting I attempted to speak with board member […]
CPSD Superintendent turning wrenches
A social media post from Clover Park School District’s Twitter. Superintendent Ron Banner visited the district’s transportation department today and spent some time with our mechanics who keep our fleet going strong every day. Thank you to our amazing transportation team for all you do to help us create promising futures! #BetterTogether
Lakewood releases latest CAPER
A press release from City of Lakewood. The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER), which describes the status of the City of Lakewood’s Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Act programs is available for public review online here or at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main […]
Letter: Clover Park School District Board Needs Anderson And Brown
Submitted by Andrea Caldwell. I want to say thank you to the voters of Lakewood for their support and vote in my campaign for Clover Park School Board, District 4. I appreciate the confidence you showed in me, to represent you and your students in our school district. Unfortunately, I did not make it past […]
Nominations Close Sept. 24 for Lakewood’s 5th Annual Larry Saunders Service Award
Larry Saunders served our country and the City of Lakewood with distinction, retiring from the Army to organize Lakewood’s Police Department, and serve as our first chief. Returning from Iraq, where he re-joined the Army to establish a police college in Baghdad, Larry embraced Lakewood with tireless community service: our Boys & Girls Club, Rotary […]
Lakewood Republican Women to Celebrate 50th Anniversary
Submitted by Marjorie Swalley. The Lakewood Republican Women will host their 50th Anniversary Celebration “Puttin on the Ritz” on Saturday, October 2, 2021 (5:00-8:30 pm) at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club (13204 Country Club Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98498). Cocktail attire, Heavy Hors d’oeuvres & No Host Bar. $50 per person RSVP by September 17 […]
Free English Conversation
Submitted by Karen Pease, Sunset Bible Church. If you, or someone you know, would like to improve their English and understanding of culture the following opportunities are available. Three are in person in University Place and Lakewood and one is available online. ESL @ The Station (Mondays, 10am-12pm) – Discuss the lesson of the day […]
FAB Fest presents films ‘Storm Boy’ and ‘Ian’s Realm’ Oct. 9
A news story from Phil Raschke. Based on the beloved book by Colin Thiele “Storm Boy” is a highly emotional tale of a young boy growing up on the beautiful but sparsely inhabited Southern Australian coast who rescues three orphaned pelicans. With his reluctant father and an aboriginal friend, named “Fingerbone Bill”, the boy natures and […]