A press release from Cohen Veterans Network. Today, Cohen Veterans Network (CVN), a not-for-profit philanthropic organization that serves post-9/11 veterans, active duty service members and their families through a nationwide system of mental health clinics, revealed findings of its America’s Mental Health Suicide Prevention Pulse Survey, which looked at Americans’ general knowledge of suicide prevention. […]
CPSD unveils student cultural diversity mural: “The World Lives in Lakewood”
A story from Clover Park School District. LAKEWOOD, Wash. — Clover Park School District unveiled its new cultural diversity mural in a ceremony at Clover Park High School (CPHS) on Wednesday, Sept. 15. The mural was created as part of a multi-agency effort partnering with students to elevate voices and showcase collaboration throughout the Lakewood community. […]
Lakewood City Manager September 17 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) September 17 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Across the Fence: A Leisurely Loop
Last weekend, my husband and I decided to hike on probably one of the last sunny days of this year. So, we packed our rucksacks and walking sticks and drove over to Packwood and a tad farther on. The Ohanapecosh Campground was our destination, and from there we had planned to walk the 2.7-mile-long Silver […]
Concrete poured at intersection Nyanza and Gravelly Lake
An announcement from City of Lakewood. The Contractor is nearing completion of the utilities inside of Stage 1, with just a few water services remaining to be connected to the new water main. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk continues to be poured from Country Club Drive to Veterans Drive. The base lift of asphalt will be […]
Lakewood considers renaming Fort Steilacoom Park to Dr. Claudia B. Thomas Park
An announcement from City of Lakewood. On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. or soon thereafter, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public hearing regarding a request for Fort Steilacoom Park to be renamed Dr. Claudia B. Thomas Park. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2016-18, the application has been transmitted to the Parks […]
City of Lakewood 25th Anniversary Celebration Postponed to Sept. 25
LAKEWOOD, Wash. – The City of Lakewood has rescheduled its 25th Anniversary Celebration to next Saturday, Sept. 25 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. due to weather. The National Weather Service issued a PCWARN alert indicating the possibility of extreme weather this Saturday including lightning, hail, and gusty winds. “Forecasted lightning, wind, and hail posed safety concerns and would have dampened […]
Mt. Tahoma Alumni Association supports the next generation
Written by Samantha Dana for Clover Park Technical College. “[At] the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished…It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better.” – Denzel Washington, A Hand to Guide Me With under 2 miles and an invisible city border between them, Clover […]
[Video] CPSD Supports Military Families with Special Needs
A video from Clover Park School District. From CPSD’s Twitter Page: “BETTER TOGETHER: CPSD is here to support and serve ALL of our families. Learn more about how we’re partnering to support the unique needs of our military families on JBLM and at Evergreen Elementary School. It’s a great example of Equity in Action.”