When my granddaughter was three years old, she and I sometimes played hide and seek. This is what would happen. I would say “…9…10! Read or not here I come!” And when I would then call out her name, followed by asking where she was, she would immediately respond, “I’m under the table!” The game […]
Letter: A 2017 Artifact Reappears in 2024
Submitted by Don Russell, Lakewood. I noted in my daily walk around Waughop Lake this morning this ancient (2017) artifact propped up against a large redwood tree. I hadn’t seen this sign since it appeared in Waughop Lake in the winter of 2017 when it was realized that Pierce College had intermittently been discharging raw […]
Clover Park School Board to Host Board Meeting on April 15
LAKEWOOD, Wash. — The Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on Monday, April 15, at 6 p.m. in room 4 of the Student Services Center located at 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. The meeting will also be live-streamed on Zoom and YouTube. Individuals can attend online by visiting […]
Letter: Learning, and Love, Eclipsed
No, the line on the map is not the “lucky strip of the US that will be within view of the total solar eclipse this April 8.” Rather the line on the map is my flight to New Orleans for a conference I am attending this same weekend as “the great American eclipse,” a conference […]
Pierce College Puyallup hires new Vice President of Learning and Student Success
Pierce College is proud to announce the hiring of Yuritzi Lozano as our new Vice President of Learning and Student Success at Pierce College Puyallup. Her first day will be May 16. A proud Washingtonian, Lozano established roots in the Wenatchee area after immigrating from Mexico with her family. They quickly found work in the […]
Lakewood City Manager April 5 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 5 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
15th Annual Cops vs Teachers Charity Basketball/Silent Auction, April 26
Submitted by Baron Coleman. On behalf of the Lakes High School Skills USA Club and the Kiwanis of Clover Park we invite the public to our 15Th Annual Cops vs Teachers Charity Basketball Game/ Silent Auction Friday April 26th. Doors open at 5:30pm with Tip-Off 6:30pm. Cost is a donation only at the door with […]
Let’s Talk! – To Waken this Long-Cherished Morn (Tonna)
The more I learn the less, I realize, I know. Today’s prompt from Tyrean Martinson’s book is another such case. I had never heard the line before nor had I heard of English Victorian writer Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. You might like to read up on this brilliant woman who was before her times in so […]
Pierce College Puyallup hires new Vice President of Learning and Student Success
Pierce College is proud to announce the hiring of Yuritzi Lozano as our new Vice President of Learning and Student Success at Pierce College Puyallup. Her first day will be May 16. A proud Washingtonian, Lozano established roots in the Wenatchee area after immigrating from Mexico with her family. They quickly found work in […]