The green peppers of the world have united! With good reason, they – with help from a renegade band of baby carrots – had organized, created a logo, and would eventually raise hell in the world of food. Vive la revolution! This revolt of the peppers came about because of its test scores on the […]
Across the Fence: Outside Inside
It’s this grayish, wet time of the year in which we don’t know whether we might expect snow in the Lowlands of Western Washington or not. Personally, I find it a cozy time of year when you can appreciate your home and take care of it, and maybe even enjoy walks in the drizzle. What […]
Seeing Through a Maze of Glass and Instructions – Recycling
Glass jars . . . they seem to multiply. Pickles, condiments, jams, jelly, We washed them out when empty and placed them in a blue container which we carried out the curb every two weeks for pickup. This changed for us at the beginning of the year. My wife Peggy gave me instructions on where […]
Westside Story – Stop Junk Mail
Are you like me? Do you ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired of receiving a mailbox full of junk mail? I have suffered from a barage of copious amounts of junk mail for decades. Finally, based on my natural genius, I have discovered a novel and effective solution for stopping junk […]
Letter: Garden Dreams And The Future
The massive wooden door of the castle opened slowly. The young girls from the other side of the tracks – certainly in contrast to where they now stood – stared in awe with mouths agape as the ‘La vie du chateau’ (the good life) opened before them. Then – then! – they were ushered inside […]
Letter: One Interesting Catch
This is an article about one of my not-so-good ideas. My dad used to say that I was born with a fishing pole in my hand, and as a boy when I saw water I naturally grabbed one and headed out. Or in this case down. Down the embankment, sliding over the mossy and fern […]
What's Next, Tahoma Beer? – Name Changes . . . for the good
Over Sunday morning coffee with Bailey’s Irish Cream I read the excellent News Tribune article “It’s Tahoma, not Rainier; change mountain name” by Don Meyer and Jared Faker. Meyer and Faker made the argument that the name of our local iconic mountain should be changed back to the name given to it by the Puyallup […]
Letter: Who – And What – Is Behind The Equity, Diversity And Inclusion Training For The Clover Park School District?
Ninety minutes into the January 11, 2021 Zoom meeting of the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD), Director Paul Wagemann asked for background information on the consultant who will provide training to the District on the subjects of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). With the exception of promising to provide a link to the consultant’s […]
Across the Fence: Inauguration
Inauguration Day is nearing in the United States. We all know that this is the day a president elect is sworn in on their office. But where does the term “inauguration” come from? Yes, from the Latin language. But what does it mean? Let’s go back to the ancient Romans and their customs. Whenever there […]