The other night, there was a knock on our front door, and our next-door neighbor brought us a bag of apples. They had ripened on her tree all summer long, and are filling our dining room with their fresh, crisp fragrance now. And they have caused an entire load of connotations with me. Interestingly, the […]
Tribes – Tacoma Arts Live Production Review
Tribes, now playing at Tacoma Arts Live Theatre on the Square offers a play about communication, which in today’s world is a miracle in itself. Butterflies have a life cycle that involve stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. What we have in Tribes, is a young deaf woman living in a family that worships words […]
Tacoma’s Dukesbay Theatre Carving Out Its Own Audience
I think perhaps the acting bug strikes early and stays with you most of your life, whether on the stage or in the audience enjoying the events going on just a few feet or yards away. I’ve come across this notion a number of times from others as well as my own involvement and enjoyment. […]
Across the Fence: Writing
Remember when you were first taught how to write? With me it was signing the pictures I drew with wax crayons. I was three or four, and my mother taught me how to write my first name. I knew what it meant, but I didn’t care that the letter “N” only goes zigzag in a […]
Across the Fence: Frost
This week, Lakewood experienced its first morning of frost. Waking to a clear, sunny sky on Tuesday morning, I found that our neighborhood’s roofs were all glistening white, and so were the front lawns. The thermometer showed me a mere 31 degrees Fahrenheit. An hour later, the sky was clouded, and the magic was gone. […]
Chap Wolff – A Northwest Actor with Very Good Chops
In high school I took one speech class and two acting classes. In college I took one theatre speech class at Olympic College in Bremerton, and one acting class at the University of Puget Sound. Both Peg and I are readers, but she outclasses me there. She reads all the time. Peg has written reviews […]
Across the Fence: Octopuses
November 8 is International Octopus Day. Now, you may wonder why I come up with such a seemingly exotic topic today. I was playfully looking into a website that deals with celebratory dates, and among others this resonated immediately with me. Because I love octopuses or octopods. And yes, that’s the plural, not octopi or […]
Graffiti Damages both Public and Private Property
Graffiti is illegal. Graffiti creates damage and defaces both public and private property. It’s unwanted and needs to be painted over and removed. In today’s world, all graffiti ends up damaging property. There’s no style. Artistic statements can reach more people via Facebook than spray painting a local bridge or private or public property, so […]
Statements of Facts and Other Possible Ideas
Nothing says expert in your field like someone mentioning you in an article for a local publication. When this happens, you should be prepared to share the news and spread the word. It’s not blowing your own horn; it’s just getting the word out that others think you’re doing a good job, or have an […]