It seems like I’ve been waiting for years for the TLT version of The Wizard of Oz . . . oh, that’s right . . . I have been waiting for years. Just so you know where I stand about the production by Tacoma Little Theatre, I love it. Not only does it bring back […]
Christmas 2021: Holiday meals, dessert platters around Tacoma, Pierce County
We’re two weeks out from Christmas. Here’s where to supplement or purchase your Christmas 2021 dinner at restaurants, caterers and bakeries in Pierce County. I’ve found fewer options than in year’s past, but I hope to add to this story over the next week leading up to Christmas. I’ve got bakeries with holiday trays available […]
Give Thanks: Reflections on my first year in office
Office of Jani Hitchen, Pierce County Council, District 6 announcement. It is hard to believe that it has almost been one year since I joined Council, but it has, and I have truly enjoyed working for the community members of the 6th District and Pierce County as a whole. I am thankful to all the people […]
Getting with the Program – Entertaining Local Speakers
I love meetings at groups like Rotary and Transportation Club. I like to arrive early and chat with anyone who sits down at the table. How else can you really learn much about people? Eventually, the meeting leads to an interesting program. When I was president of the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8, I had […]
Kid Life 1965-ish; The Flocked Christmas Tree
“Come Liebchen, we’re going to go get a tree. Put on some clean clothes!” She said. It was a declaration, not a statement. She said it with authority. A rare thing, that, the authority thing, especially when it came to a topic that was not generally hers to make declarations about like goin’ to get […]
Tacoma’s Lobster Shop is selling to owners that waterfront fish and chips fans will know
Tacoma’s Lobster Shop has been sold to the owners of another longtime seafood restaurant, Steamers Seafood Cafe. Read the entire post Tacoma’s Lobster Shop is selling to owners that waterfront fish and chips fans will know on Dine Pierce County.
Across the Fence: Anticipation
It’s this time of year again. The time of anticipation. Advent. The most wonderful time of the year. The quietest time of the year according to Austrian author Waggerl (and, following his narrative, these were busy times even back then). The most stressful time of the year. Have you baked cookies yet? Shared with your […]
Helping St. Vinnies Helping Others
Most people know St. Vinnies for their thrift store, but their mission is much broader: They help people struggling to pay for basic needs like rent and utilities, by providing direct financial assistance. They help families and seniors stay in their homes, preventing homelessness. They provide clothing and household goods for people making a fresh […]
A Christmas Carol – More or Less, a Lakewood Playhouse Review
Peg, our cousin Lindy and I enjoyed Lakewood Playhouse’s A Christmas Carol – More or Less. It’s about a small theatre company in a smallish town performing the classic tale of A Christmas Carol. After picking up our tickets, popcorn, and a few cookies, we took our seats and waited. The chocolate chip cookie is […]