Submitted by Susanne Bacon. The other day when driving through the Town of Steilacoom, we passed a scarecrow. I forget where I saw it. I forget what it looked like. But a scarecrow in Steilacoom means that the Garden Club is hosting its annual scarecrow event again. And this means that these critters are popping […]
Across the Fence: A Challenging Triangle
My husband and I like hiking. That being said, this year didn’t lend itself to much of that in Western Washington. Snow stayed until late in the mountains, and the rainforests must have been one soggy mess. But September proves to be an ideal month, once more. So, last week, we chose a hike from […]
Across the Fence: A Legendary Delight
My first meal after arriving as an immigrant in Washington State a dozen years ago was something that could have been my last on my mother country’s soil. And it took me totally by surprise as it tasted as authentic as could be – an Apfelsaftschorle (apple juice mixed with Seltzer) and a Swabian-style pretzel. […]
Across the Fence: Transition
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Labor Day kind of marks the end of summer in the U.S. School starts again around this time. Summer homes get closed down. The campgrounds are emptying of people enjoying their leisure time. It gets quiet on the lakes of Washington State and on Puget Sound. I have to admit, this […]
Across the Fence: A Melting-Potpourri
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Have you ever listened to the radio while driving into Mt. Rainier National Park? Then you might have realized that, at one point, NPR and similar channels suddenly fade and the only broadcasting stations available are one with country music and one with music sounding quite Bavarian. Only – it is […]
Across the Fence: Aloha!
The other day, my husband and I were invited to a Hawaiian shirt party. It was a fun event on probably the hottest day of the year with plenty of wonderful food and beverages – and of course lots of Hawaiian themed attire. Needless to say, we played along in full gear. My husband bought […]
Across the Fence: August Already
Time flies. It strikes me this moment – I’m running late again submitting my Friday column. And I wonder what I have done with all the time in between last Friday and now. We went hiking on Friday – Snow Lake Trail was gorgeous, but way too hot and quite crowded. On Saturday, we celebrated […]
Across the Fence: Perfume
Apparently, we human beings don’t think that we are a race that smells good. Or not good enough. After a physical work-out or during hot weather such as we currently see it is true. Because when we perspire, bacteria mix with the sweat – and can cause odor. Having eaten specific food might enhance the […]
Across the Fence: A Whale of a Time
Encountering wildlife is a given on a daily basis in Western Washington. And I’m not even thinking of birds or butterflies or fish. What is stunning to somebody who grew up in the suburbs of a city with a greater population than Seattle is to run into deer grazing in front yards. Or into seals […]