Today’s Germanism in the English language is quite baffling to me: Schwedenschanze (pronounce: ‘shvay-den-shun-tsah, meaning Swedish entrenchment). Even historically, not every bulwark that is called a Schwedenschanze was even built by the Swedish. And as those structures that can be traced back to the Swedish, are all in Central Europe, and the British were pretty […]
In the Book Nook with … William J. Burkhardt
Author William J. Burkhardt from New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia, does mechanical work for a living, but also just started a publishing LLC. He has been “writing since the single digits”. His first publication happened in 2014. William J. Burkhardt was a devoted musician until around his late 20s. He has painted a few […]
Let’s Talk! – The Day after the Funeral
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: The longer a life lasts, inevitably, the more funerals you get to go to. Not necessarily over here in the U.S., though, where often the […]
Across the Fence: Ansatz
Todays’ Germanism in the English language is a rather philosophical, but also a very hands-on one when it comes just to the German language: Ansatz (prounounce: ‘un-zuts, meaning beginning, approach). Scientists of any field will have dealt with this from the very start of their profession. If a bigger problem is to be solved, you […]
In the Book Nook with … Moira Darrell
Author Moira Darrell retired from her career as a legal secretary and a school admin secretary several years ago and now lives in Strathmore, Alberta, Canada with her husband and kitty. As a teenager, she loved writing in Composition class and wrote several poems, some of which find themselves in her books. Moira has been […]
Let’s Talk! – Not Seeing the Possibilities
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: Wouldn’t it be great if we always saw every single possibility in every opportunity that offers itself to us? Come to think of it, wouldn’t […]
Author Andy Becker Writes New Book on Growing Humans
Maybe you have already read Andy Becker’s satirical take on a real scandal that happened a while ago in Tacoma. His award-winning novel The Kissing Rabbi: Lust, Betrayal, and a Community Turned Inside Out won a First Place Blue Ribbon at the CIBA 2021 Mark Twain Book Awards for Humor. Or you have enjoyed his […]
Across the Fence: Schuss
Never did I know that the German word Schuss (pronounce: shoos with a very short oo, meaning shot) made it into the English language. Well, I was only just born when the mascot Schuss of the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, made its one-season appearance. As there is a copyright on the image, I […]
In the Book Nook with … Tela Klein
Author Tela Klein from Denver, Colorado, does free-lance business consulting and marketing. However, she has decided to take her writing all in recently and intends on traveling full time, starting next year. Tela started writing in High school and, under another name, her first book was published in 2021. You can also find out more […]