“Why do you hate him so?!” The ensuing “discussion” was one of bashing each other for holding a different opinion. It could also have been the question, “Why do you love him so?!” It set me off on another path of pondering only recently. Indeed, is there really only hatred or love around us these […]
Across the Fence
Across the Fence: What’s Antique
The first time I realized how exciting antiques are was when I was window shopping on a Sunday night at a closed antique store on Mill Street in St. Peter Port on the British Channel Island of Guernsey. I was waiting for a free table at a nearby bistro-restaurant, and I had nothing better to […]
Across the Fence: Let the Mind Travel
It is summer, and although a lot of people are usually traveling for their vacation, a certain virus has curbed our options big time. Some find it deeply disturbing. Traveling is a symbol of freedom, after all. At least if one can choose one’s destination, can take along anything one wants, and finds all the […]
Across the Fence: What Keeps Us Going
What makes us do what we are doing, apart from maybe earning money by doing it? Why are people creative? Why do we plant gardens? Why do we learn languages, exercise, acquire skills? Why do we try to get to know about topics, to understand things? I have been pondering a lot these past months […]
Across the Fence: The Icing on the Cake
When I was a little child, anything sweet was an absolute treat. The icing on a cake was heaven on earth, and one of my favorite cakes was a Madeira cake with a blood orange sugar glaze. Not so much for the pretty pink color, but for the unique fruit flavor, the slight acidity, and […]
Across the Fence: The End of a Road
This year, I’ve not been watching the Olympics so far. I remember happier games from way back when that stick to my memory. The 1984 ones in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will stay my favorite ever. Maybe it’s my end of the road in following up; the Olympic games have become a muddle of impressions […]
Across the Fence: Poetry in Motion
When was the last time you were over in Gig Harbor, Washington? Seen everything? Done it all? Even the fun gnome quest that is happening in the area? Well, there is something new going on, and you might like to head over and explore it, while taking a pleasant, healthy walk. What’s it about? Echology. […]
Across the Fence: The Potential of What Ifs
The other day, a friend of mine posted a caricature on Facebook that presented one’s life’s plans as a straight diagonal in a graph. Have you ever wondered where you would be if, at some point in your life, there hadn’t been that certain event or that certain person which or who twisted it to […]
Across the Fence: At Home With Salmon
My friend, Suburban Times columnist Don Doman’s recent article about the goodness of salmon has inspired this piece. Because, indeed, salmon is a tasty fish, healthy because of its Omega 3 oils, and very, very versatile. Also, here in Washington State, it’s one of the native fish and, therefore, widely available. My husband and I […]