I’m sure everybody, at one point in time, has experienced the feeling of homesickness. This intense yearning for the place where you know everything maybe even to the point of boredom, but where familiarness means coziness, comfort, and security. I last experienced it a few years ago. And it took me by surprise. As a […]
Across the Fence
Across the Fence: Some Versatile Dough
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. One of the western world’s favorite doughs consists of no more than some unleavened wheat flour, egg(s) and/or water, and a pinch of salt. In Roman literature it has been documented as of the first century A.D. And today, there are around 310 specific shapes it comes in, dried or fresh. […]
Across the Fence: A Point of Quietude
It has been all over the media in Pierce County, WA, these past days: iconic 5-Mile-Drive in Tacoma’s Point Defiance Park has been closed off for good as of May 20, 2022. For motorized vehicles, not for bicyclists or pedestrians. Because the historical landmark is crumbling. And the next thing you know is that a […]
Across the Fence: Songs for Messages
Do you know which is one of the longest running TV shows in the world? You probably think of a soap opera. Well, singing has a lot to do with it, though it’s far from an opera. It’s the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), which will celebrate its 2022 finale this Saturday, watched by approximately 180 […]
Across the Fence: Island Adventure
It is no secret that my husband and I love to explore wherever we are. But it even happens to us – to “not know” a corner that is directly under our nose. Or hardly know it. We actually have taken a trip to Anderson Island, WA, years and years ago, taken our bikes, and […]
Across the Fence: A Beach Treasure
When traveling towards or from Seattle, my husband and I usually try to change it up a bit by taking backroads. This often involves coastal roads, as far as they are available. One of our favorite stretches is that through Redondo Beach. In the past years we always passed by an aquarium that was closed […]
Across the Fence: A Double Date
If you check this week’s Friday in your calendar, you will find a rare coincidence. The beginning of Passover and Good Friday are on the same day. For those of you who are not so sure what either is about: Passover commemorates the saving of all Jewish first-borns by the Angel of Death, which triggered […]
Across the Fence: Making the Most of Things
We just had left-overs for lunch today, as I am writing this. In a way, it was even left-overs from left-overs. The other day, I had tried a new recipe for a vegetable chili that asked for an eggplant in it. It was a good chili. But as we are only two people, an entire […]
Across the Fence: Keeping Places Happy
It’s the day after the Academy Awards, as I am writing this article, and the world of TV audience seems to be divided. I didn’t even watch the entire program, just maybe the last 15 minutes. To be honest, it has become way too political for my taste. And each and everybody of those who […]