Dog owners and their furry friends will enjoy a new and expanded off leash dog area at the Chambers Creek Regional Park with a Grand Opening Sunday, July 23 (1-3 pm).
The Whole World On Fire and Saving Lives
Submitted by Don Doman Headlines of high-rise apartments burning from suspected terrorist or just ordinary circumstances can make it seem like the whole world is on fire. The news is scary: fire killed at least 80 people in the Grenfell Tower fire in London. In Honolulu a fire on the 26th floor of the 36 […]
Spit Valves, Underbellies, Marching and a Missing Sousaphone
Submitted by Don Doman I’ve always loved music. I began playing the baritone saxophone at Mann Junior High in Lakewood. I switched from alto to the larger, lower register instrument that no one had chosen to play in the ninth grade. Since the baritone was free for me from the school district and stood beautifully […]
Selling the Right Service
Submitted by Don Doman One of my clients passed away last month. He was a tough old bird, but I got a big kick out of him. When he first signed with me he wanted clients to come to him for a/c (air conditioning) tubes and hoses. He didn’t expect any because he hadn’t ever […]
Letter: For individuals to stand alone, government must stand down
The great goal of government is not that it should be the means to the end as if to suggest that without government’s ‘help’ (i.e. ‘enforcement’) the end would not be achieved.
Letter: Downsizing government – is it really that hard?
The weekend weather was beautiful, the crowds were abundant, and consequently the neon-green garage-sale signs were plastered everywhere with arrows pointing both left and right.
Secure Measures
Submitted by Don Doman I’m sure someone thought it all out before hand. Perhaps, it was even a committee decision. Regardless, there’s probably enough blame to go around. If you find a hard drive from Washington State University with over a million people and their social security numbers and other sensitive data recorded saved on […]
Following Flawed Leaders
Submitted by Don Doman “The Searchers” (1956) stars John Wayne in one of his most compelling films ever directeed by film legend John Ford. I’ve seen the movie countless times. I’ve owned my own copy for years, and yet when I come across the film on cable as I flip through the channels with my […]
The King of Queens and a Horrible Business Idea
Submitted by Don Doman One of my favorite television shows (reruns) is King of Queens. A married couple, Doug and Carrie, are the main characters. They are selfish and self-centered. After being rejected at a number of job interviews, Carrie becomes depressed and tries to find herself. She has great plans to read more, learn […]