The question was asked by a representative of a national health organization to which I had applied for funding for our elementary school baseball team, ‘What will we get for supporting these kids?’
The Future of Local Auto Repair Shops
The last new car my father bought was a mid-seventies Chrysler Imperial, which eventually was passed down to me. I donated it to the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 for their annual auction, which raises money to fund local community projects. The car was purchased as a University of Washington Husky football tailgate vehicle and […]
Letter: Amtrak should go back where it came from
It was a macabre scene as in the dead-of-night the hulking, oversized caskets gloomily passed by, destined – in this disturbing and horrifying funeral procession – for the railroad graveyard.
Home from Home: Christmas
“Marley … was dead – to begin with.” This line from Charles Dickens’ novella “A Christmas Carol” used to kick off Christmas for me for many teenage and early tween years. I had wrought a tradition of my own to go to a theater in downtown Stuttgart, Germany, to listen to British actor Brian D. […]
The Foldscope Distribution Project Update
Intrepid hiker and world traveler Richard Dorsett stands by the window everyday watching and waiting for the delivery of Foldscopes (the origami folding microscope). He has tickets for Laos on December 28th. Once in Asia he will begin handing out Foldscope to middle school students to spark an interest is science. He will write of […]
The True Story of Lindy Lou
Mary Lavinia Cummins, and Netta Virginia Cummins, were identical twin sisters from Nevada, Missouri. They were children of the depression and World War II. My father, Donald Delos Doman married Mary Lavinia and spent WWII all over the South Pacific in the Merchant Marine. Virginia’s husband, Jacob Randall Whitworth fought in Italy during World WWII […]
A Tale of Two Family Christmas Traditions
One of my favorite holidays is Christmas. Even if I was Jewish or Muslim I would enjoy Christmas. It has nothing to do with religion . . . I just like the feeling and the traditions that make family memories. I read a post from my friend Amy Wigstrom about her mother and her own […]
Westside Story – "Hands Up"
When you hear the word, minor, do you think baseball? When you hear the word, minor, do you think coal? When you hear the word, minor, do you think underage drinking?
The One Present Christmas – 1956
The 1950s were a great time to grow up in Tacoma, Washington. My family was the first on the block to own a television. I was glued to the TV as I watched Hopalong Cassidy, Gene Autry, and Roy Rogers. It seemed just in time for Christmas when the Sears and Roebuck catalog arrived in […]