Why do you go out to a restaurant? To eat? I don’t think so. Not me, anyway. I go to a restaurant not to eat, but to enjoy eating. This means eating with someone . . . and generally having a conversation. You can’t have a decent conversation if you can’t hear. It’s tough to […]
Swimming Upstream to Special Valentine Show
Unexpected Gifts is the subject of the special Valentine edition of Dorothy Wilhelm’s internet radio show, “Swimming Upstream,” playing at this very moment at http://www.itsnevertoolate.com. The idea of the show is that love – like valentines – can come at unexpected times and in unexpected packages. The first “gift package” is a reading by Sam […]
Westside Story – A Sign of the Times – Free Beer
Sure, America is a great country, but if you take the trouble to leave your neighborhood and travel to far off places, you will discover there are other great countries, too. If I rewrote my sentence above using a creative phrase from prominent and published Lakewood author, Susanne Bacon, my sentence might read: “If you […]
Letter: Chimps better served than casino chumps
Washington’s legislators are feeling benevolent. Or maybe embarrassed. Fourteen years ago, was the last time lawmakers looked into the state’s problem gambling policies. Since then “the gambling industry has nearly doubled to more than a three-billion-dollar industry.” ‘Industry’, used twice in ten words or less by the lawmakers, is often meant to describe “economic […]
Feeding Deer in the Winter and Beyond
My wife usually has a bag of apples on the kitchen counter. For me I like the larger apples, but for deer I like the smaller apples, although I sometimes worry they will choke on them. I don’t give deer CPR. I don’t know what kind they really enjoy, but if they have visited our […]
Westside Story – Good Bye Cruel World
Note To Reader: It is estimated it will take the average reader 2 minutes and 55 seconds to read this column if you do not dawdle too long over the photos. If you are an Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics graduate your elapsed reading time should run about 1 minute 10 seconds. Start reading now: Westside […]
Letter: When government gets it right
Almost ended the article right there for lack of evidence. From slow-closing toilet seats to marijuana-made-mobile, people are – and government, comprised of people, is – enamored over the extravagant, captivated with the costly, beguiled by bureaucracy. We are ever in search of a better mousetrap. “According to the United States Patent Office, over 4,000 […]
Minor Disaster Preparation
I had a Friday morning meeting with the Communications Committee of the Transportation Club of Tacoma. Afterwards I drove to Westgate to make a deposit. I was shocked when I saw fifteen cars parked at Key Bank. It looked like people were going crazy preparing for a complete disaster. There was a snow storm coming, […]
Letter: When the feathers fly
“Chickens cross road, some escape after semi crashes snarling I-5 near Olympia” read The Seattle Times headline this morning. Wonder if any were roosters who crossed the road, escaping to crow another day. To warn, which is one purpose of the rooster’s call for alarm. There was a guy in history who each morning forever […]