A tasty adult beverage can make house arrest more of a pleasant experience. What more can I say? Follow all the rules. Stay healthy and I will see you on the other side.
How the coronavirus will change closings, home prices and what’s on the market – Pierce County Foreshadowing?
No, I’m not talking about Covid-19. What I’m talking about is the fall out from the virus. It really hits home. Or rather housing . . . and housing affects us all. Two months ago a house a block away from our home came on the market. Two days later it was sold. Near the […]
Boyle’s Double Take – Jarred
Jarred. My Double Take writing partner, Susanne Bacon, suggested the word jarred be our starting point for our April 2020 Double Take. I have no idea how or where Susanne came up with the jarred idea, but I need to run with it. Susanne’s and my Double Take articles start with just that one word, […]
Bacon’s Double Take – Jarred
Do you like a challenge? Well, I was quite naughty this time, challenging my partner in crime, Joe Boyle, to come up with a Double Take on the topic “Jarred”. And it’s always easier for the challenger than the one challenged. So, let me first tell you what I found in an online dictionary, as […]
One Day in New York City
In the fall of 1973 I was working at Tacoma’s Union Station for Amtrak. I was selected to travel to Silver Springs, Maryland (just outside of Washington, D.C.) for computer training. There were about fifteen of us from across the US. There were several people from Chicago and a bunch from Tampa. I think I […]
Letter: There’s far more at stake with the Sex Ed mandate than when children learn about sex – and from whom
If there is but one flag – and there are many – flying high from the mast, as it were, of the Black Pearl having been stolen from the family, renamed and retrofitted with the heavy armaments of the National Education Association (NEA), it is the Jolly Roger of secularism and cultural relativism, of which […]
Salmon from the Superfood Group – Healthy Eating Review
I love the Wayne Gretsky quotation, “I skate to where the puck is going to be.” Is it possible that the grizzly bears of Alaska and Canada learned from Wayne? They don’t use fishing poles and they can’t grab salmon, but they wade the rivers and position themselves where the salmon will be jumping . […]
Westside Story – Government Approved Social Distancing Gear
We are living in harsh and dangerous times, much like the Black Plague between the years 1346 and 1352 or the Spanish Flu between 1918 – 1920. Both of these devastating pandemics in past centuries killed millions of innocent people. When we compare the Black Plague and Spanish Flu with the Coronavirus of today, there […]
Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association April Meeting Cancelled
The April 2 meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association has been canceled. The meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday each month.